
Unit 4 Family Lesson 21 Jenny's family课件+素材(38张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:92次 大小:98469423Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 冀教版·三年级上册 Unit 4 Family Lesson 21 Jenny’s Family 1. I am 9 years old. I go to school every day(每天). What am I I am a student. Riddles(谜语) 2. He works in a school. He teaches(教)English in a school. What is he He is a teacher. 3. She works in a hospital (医院). She helps you when you are sick(生病). What is she She is a doctor. Lead-in Look at the family photo. Whose family are they How many people What do they do Let’s learn more about Jenny’s family. Meet Jenny’s family. 1 Listen and match Jim Smith Mary Smith Bob Jenny Lynn father mother brother sister me Watch and answer 1. Where do Jenny’s family live 2. What do her brother and her sister do 3. Who is tall and who is short 4. What do her father and her mother do 5. Does Jenny love her family This is my family. We live in Canada. Check the answers 1. Where do Jenny’s family live They live in Canada. My sister is a student. Her name is Lynn. She’s short. My brother is a policeman. His name is Bob. He’s tall. 2. What do her brother and her sister do Her sister is a student. Her brother is a policeman. 3. Who is tall and who is short Her brother is tall and her sister is short. My mother is a bus driver. Her name is Mary Smith. My father is a worker. His name is Jim Smith. 4. What do her father and her mother do Her father is a worker. Her mother is a bus driver. 5. Does Jenny love her family Yes, she does. I love my family. Let’s learn 公共汽车 司机 工人 男警察 My brother is a policeman. 用于介绍他人职业的句型结构为: “主语( He/She/My father…) +is a/an+职业名称.”。 (a或an的选用由后面的职业名称决定,发音以元音音素开头的职业名称前用an,发音以辅音音素开头的职业名称前用a。) Word game 点击每颗糖果,根据图片说出职业。 This is my family. We live in Canada. Listen and repeat. My sister is a student. Her name is Lynn. She’s short. My brother is a policeman. His name is Bob. He’s tall. My mother is a bus driver. Her name is Mary Smith. 西方人姓名的表达方: 要把名字写在前面,姓氏写在后面。这与中国人姓名的表达方式正好相反。 玛丽·史密斯 My father is a worker. His name is Jim Smith. I love my family. 表达“某人喜爱某人或某事物”常用“主语+ love(s) sb./sth.”。 表达“某人喜爱做某事”常用“主语+ love(s) to do/ doing sth.”。 Read and judge 1. Jenny’s family lives in China. 2. Jenny’s brother is short. He is a policeman. 3. Mary Smith is a worker. 4. Jim Smith is a bus driver. 5. Lynn is a student. She is short. Canada. tall. bus driver. worker. Is your father a policeman or a worker My father is a worker. What’s your sister’s name Her name is Lynn. Is she tall or short She is short. Is your mother a bus driver Yes, she is. Ask and answer Bus driver! Yes! Let’s play! 2 我来比划你来猜! 我来比划你来猜! 邀请一名自告奋勇的学生到教室前,教师将抽出一张卡片,学生要表演卡片上的内容,其他学生来猜是什么。利用简单的游戏来练习新单词会很有趣。切记要高举卡片,等学生猜出卡片上的单词,教师要大声地读给全体同学听,并让学 ... ...

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