
Unit 4 Family Lesson 24 Lynn sees a doctor课件+素材(31张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:60次 大小:52325651Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 冀教版·三年级上册 Unit 4 Family Lesson 24 Lynn Sees a Doctor Let’s sing together. Happy birthday to _____. Today is a school day(上学日). It’s Lynn’s birthday, too. What’s wrong with Lynn. Let’s have a look. Watch and get the main idea 1 Read and answer 1. Who are the two characters(人物) in the picture Mum, I don’t feel good. I’m sick. Oh, no! What’s the matter Lynn and her mum. 2. What’s the matter with Lynn She doesn’t feel good. She is sick. 2 My head hurts. What part in her body hurts Her head hurts. 3 Okay. Let’s see a doctor. What does Lynn’s mum decide to do She decides to take Lynn to see a doctor. 4 Hello, Dr. Liu. My head hurts... Hello, Mrs. Smith. What’s the matter, Lynn 1. What is the doctor’s name Dr. Liu. 2. What do the doctor and Lynn’s mum do when they first meet Shake hands(握手). 5 Hmm... ... and my arm hurts ... and my leg hurts. What part in her body hurts now Her head hurts. Her arm hurts. Her leg hurts. “hmm”表示一个人正在努力的思考问题。 6 I can’t go to school today. 1. What is Lynn doing in this picture 2. What does Lynn really want to do She is crying. She doesn’t want to go to school today. 表达自己不能做某事的句型 I can’t +动词(短语)原形(+其他). can’t 是情态动词 can 的否定缩写形式,其完整形式为 cannot. 7 Okay, Lynn. No school. And no birthday party. And no birthday cake. Okay What does the doctor tell Lynn No school. And no birthday party. And no birthday cake. Do you think this is what Lynn wants to hear Why or why not No, it’s not what Lynn wants to hear. Because she wants to have a birthday party and a birthday cake. 8 No! I feel good now. 1. What happens suddenly in this picture 2. Why does Lynn feel good Lynn feels good now. Because Lynn knows that she couldn’t tell lies. 9 Thank you, Dr. Liu. Good-bye. Bye! Does the story have a happy ending Yes, it is. They all feel happy. Story time 2 My head hurts. 1 Oh, no! What’s the matter 1 Mum, I don’(t) feel good. I’m sick. 4 3 Hello, Mrs. Smith. What’s the matter, Lynn My head hurts... Hello, Dr. Liu. Okay. Let’s see a doctor. 5 6 ... an(d) my arm hurts ... an(d) my leg hurts. I can’(t) go to school today. Hmm... 7 Okay, Lynn. No school. An(d) no birthday party. An(d) no birthday cake. Okay 9 Bye! Thank you, Dr. Liu. Good-bye. 8 No! I feel goo(d) now. 1. Lynn tells her mum that she has a stomachache. 2. Lynn’s mum believes Lynn. 3. Lynn wants to go to school today. 4. Lynn is very sad when she leaves the doctor’s office. Read and judge Think and discuss 1. Is Lynn really sick No, she isn’t. 2. Why does she pretend to be sick 她为什么要假装生病? Because she doesn’t want to go to school. 3. Do her mother and the doctor believe Lynn 4. How does the doctor finally get Lynn to admit that she is not sick No, they don’t. The doctor says no school, no birthday party and no birthday cake. It is not a good idea to tell lies. Lynn’s lie is a small one, but still, in the ... ...

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