

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:30次 大小:28418Byte 来源:二一课件通
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青海省西宁市 2021-2023年中考英语二模试题分类汇编 阅读理解 2023年青海省西宁市中考二模英语试题 二、阅读理解(20 小题;31 -45 题, 每小题 2 分;46 -50 题, 每小题 1 分, 共 35 分) A City Botanical Garden (植物园) Opening time January l -May 31 7∶00 -19∶00 June l -August 31 6∶30 -20∶00 September 1 -December 31 7∶00 -19∶00 It is closed every Monday. Prices 10 yuan for an adult Half for a kid between 6 and 18 years old Free for kids under 6 Tip:You can enter there for free on July l. Rules No pets. Show the ticket code or the paper ticket. More information is here:https:// www. xnszwy. com. 31. _____ have the same opening time in the City Botanical Garden. A. January and June B. February and September C. March and August D. July and October 32. When can’t you visit the City Botanical Garden? A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Saturday. D. On Sunday. 33. How much should Li Ming pay if he is 10 years old? A. ¥ 15. B. ¥ 10. C. ¥ 5. D. ¥ 0. 34. Which is TRUE from the passage? A. Lily can enter City Botanical Garden with her cat. B. Mr. Liu can’t find more information on the Internet. C. Tom enters City Botanical Garden with the ticket code. D. Mrs. Wang spent 10 yuan to visit City Botanical Garden on July lst. 35. Where can we see the passage? A. In a dictionary. B. In a newspaper. C. In a story book. D. In a TV play. B ①He was excited and started to draw water, but no water came out. Then he saw a note on a small bottle, which said, “You must pour the water from the bottle into the pump before you draw water!Don’t forget to refill the bottle with water before you leave!”He found the bottle was filled with water!He was so happy. ②Once upon a time, a traveller was going across a desert. He was tired and thirsty. Suddenly he found a small house and there was a water pump (抽水机) in it. ③At that moment he thought, “As long as I drink the water in the bottle, I am sure to live!However, if I do as the note says, I may die. What should I do?”Five minutes later, he decided to pour the only water into the pump and drew water. Water started to come out!After he had drunk enough water, he refilled the bottle. Then he added the following words on the note:Before you get something, you should first try to pay! 36. The right order of the passage should be_____ . A. ②①③ B. ①②③ C. ②③① D. ③②① 37. How was the traveller before he found a small house? A. Tired but happy. B. Tired and thirsty. C. Thirsty but excited. D. Happy and excited. 38. The underlined word “draw ”in paragraph ① may mean _____ . A. 抽取 B. 购买 C. 祈求 D. 绘画 39. What did the man do when he found the bottle filled with water? A. Did nothing and left. B. Drank the water at once. C. Thought for a while and did as the note said. D. Drank half the water and poured the other half into the pump. 40. Which of the following can we get from the passage? A. Don’t go across the desert. B. Never get water from the water pump. C. Drink the bottle of water at ... ...

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