

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:71次 大小:1960958Byte 来源:二一课件通
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廊坊市第十六中学2022二2023第二学期阶段检测 )13.What does the boy's mother do A:An artis.B:An actress.C.A musiclan. (· )14.Why does Jenny llke summer 七年级英语试卷 A.Because she can swim. B.Because she can wear nlce dresses. C.Because shecan teach her sster to swlm. 市、区、乡 )15:Where are they going after schoon A.:Jenny's home.B.:Erlc's.home.C.The swlmming pool. 号 :ABC-D A)B) 学校 ( )16.How far is the Red Apple CInema :5r话. 得分 '.A:About one kllometer. B.About:two kllometers.C.About three kllometers. 4。 17.What should )the woman do at the first crossing 听力部分 ias:l noNA 班级 eA.Tum right. B.Tum left. C.Go stralght. 将分评人 1.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题:每小题1分,满 18.Where is the Red Apple Cinema 分5分】 A.In front of a hotel. B.Across (rom a supermarket. 姓名 1.A.rainy B.windy C.snowy C.Between a hotel and a supermarket. )2.A.hot night B.dry road C.left hand 得时分评客人 】3.A.wegl2 B.make dresses C.take messages W听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题:每小题1分,满分1分) 芳语 )4.A.The person'is tall = B.The person Is short. ( 19.When is it going to rain In Harbin C.The person Is of medium height. A.At night. B.In the aftemoon. C.In the moming )5.A.I'mi shopplng at a supermarket. 芳号 封 B.There Is a supermarket near'my home. )20.What's the weather like In Qingdao . 12u7 C.I don't go shopping at other supermarkets. 52x.Howany cr tere in the(依寺方CC6uy A.Snowy. B.Windy. ( Ⅱ听句子,送出该句的最佳答语。(共5小夏:停小题1分,满分 二:aB.Flve. C.Four. 室位号 5分) ):6.A.Me,too. B.See you later. C.Long time no see. 22.Where Is Kathy from )7.A.He is skating. B.He skates well He wants to skate m02 A.China. B.Canada. C.Amerlca )8.A.Sure. B.Not much. C.Terrible. ()3 How many'students are there in Kathy's'css )9.A.Yes,'l can. B.I llke games. C.Sorry.Mum. B.20.ut 10.A.A good idea. B.Thank you.C.You're welcome. 3C.30.7 bl)24What does U MIng took like ) 分评喜人 Ⅲ.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共日小意:年小是1分,满分 A.Fat.stB.hln.的》 C.Handsome 日分) )25.What do they often talk about A.Their favorite subjects.B.Their favorite singersC.Their favorite countries. )11.What is the hospital next to 分人 V,听短文填空。(共5小题:每小题1分:满分5分)上 5 Information Sheet 12.What Is the woman doing now 26.Salty's favorite day is 9 27.Mis Wang has blg and big eyes. 4 28.On Sundays,Sally often her grandpa. 29.There are two pear trees Say's grand中3's house 30.Sometlmes Sally's grandpa makes pear for her. 聚凝七年经英语(人敏版)峭1页(共8页)数装 000000口

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