

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:72次 大小:63022Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四川省成都市、绵阳市五校2023届高三下学期适应性考试英语试卷 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、听力题 1、How much should the man pay A.180. B.200. C.360. 2、What are the speakers talking about A. When they will have supper. B. Who will cook supper. C.What they will eat. 3、Where are the two speakers A. At a park. B. At a zoo. C. At a school. 4、What is the possible relationship between the speakers A. Editor and reader. B. Customer and servant. C. Employer and employee. 5、What does the woman think of the speech A. It was very hard. B. It was too long. C. It was very interesting. 听一段材料,回答下题。 6、What did the man want from the woman A. Her notes. B. Professor Wang's number. C. The solution to a math problem. 7、Why has the man been missing the last class A. He was helping his friend. B. He needs to get more sleep. C. He hates going to math classes. 听一段材料,回答下题。 8、What does the woman want the man to do A.Read a book. B. Look after Barry. C. Attend a meeting. 9、How does the man sound A.Very sad. B.Uncertain. C. Very confident. 听一段材料,回答下题。 10、How old is the woman next year A.14 years old. B.16 years old. C.17 years old. 11、What will the woman do to be admitted A. Learn more things. B. Submit the applications. C. Take some college courses. 12、What has probably remained the same A. A personal essay. B. The question on an exam. C. The required courses at school. 听一段材料,回答下题。 13、When will the woman do some housework A.This Sunday morning. B. This Saturday morning. C.This Saturday afternoon. 14、What will the man do this Sunday morning A.Visit the zoo. B.Go to the library. C. Prepare for the exam. 15、How does the man feel about the zoo's keeping animals A. It's beneficial. B. It's expensive. C. It's natural. 16、What made the woman feel very surprised in California A. She saw the polar bear in a zoo. B. The polar bear survived independently. C. The polar bear lived longer than expected. 听一段材料,回答下题。 17、When does the restaurant turm into a bar A. In the morning. B.In the aftermoon. C. At night. 18、What does the speaker do at the restaurant A.He parks cars. B. He sells drinks. C.He checks people's IDs. 19、Who is a Frenchman A. Le Goff. B. The speaker. C.The famous actor. 20、How does the speaker probably feel about Robin Williams A. He admires him a lot. B. He likes working for him. C. He doesn't think he's funny. 二、阅读理解 Simpleness. Saving. StauerSMART Best value for Smartwatch.….only $99! Smarten up Some smartwatches out there require PhD to operate. Why complicate things Do you really need your watch to pay for your coffee We say keep your money in your pocket, not on your wrist. Stauer SMART gives everything you need and cuts out of the staff you don't, ineluding a zero in the price. Keep an eye on your watch with heart rate ,blood pressure and sleep monitoring capabilities. Track your steps and calories burned. Set reminders for medicine and appointments. StauerS MART suppo ... ...

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