

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:13次 大小:59305Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年北京市房山区高考英语二模试卷 一、阅读理解(本大题共14小题,共28.0分) A General LRC rules We have a number of simple rules to help you use the Language Resource Centre (LRC).Please cooperate and enjoy your visit with us. ● No eating or drinking ● No copying of audio cassettes ● You can use the LRC cither on your own during self - access times or you may use it with your teacher as part of a lesson. ● If you use it as a self-access student,you must scan your borrower barcode (issued by the library staff) when entering and leaving.The LRC is for use by Language Centre students only. ● All bags must be put in the bag-rack. Please work quietly.This is a library and many students are studying for exams. Photocopying We have a photocopier available.Please ask the library staff to help you.The cost is 20 c for one A4 sheet. Borrowing from the LRC Language Centre students are permitted to borrow materials from the library.Other schools' students must use the facilities at their own schools. Full-time students:Give your photo — ID card to the librarian and you will get an LRC number.Part-time students:You will need to bring your ﹩50.00 deposit receipt from the cashier.When your course finishes,bring your library card back and your deposit will be refunded in cash. Loans Language students can borrow up to 4 items (of which no more than 2 can be kits) at one time.Kits are bags containing book(s) plus cassette(s). All teacher trainee students may borrow up to 3 items: ● Test materials 1 week ● Listening kits 1 week ● Most other books 2 weeks Books marked REF in red are reference books and cannot be taken out of the library.Books marked REF in green may be removed by staff only. Most items can be renewed once.Test materials cannot be renewed. 1. What can we learn from the passage? _____ A. You can borrow and copy audio cassettes from the LRC. B. The LRC can only be used by students studying for exams. C. Students and teachers can photocopy materials at the LRC for free D. Teachers are allowed to use the LRC when giving lessons to students. 2. According to the passage,part -time students at the Language Center _____ . A. can borrow at least four items at one time B. should renew the test materials once a week C. should pay a deposit before borrowing materials D. can take books marked REF in red out of the library 3. What is the purpose of this passage? _____ A. To explain how to use the LRC. B. To recommend resources for language learning. C. To present the different functions of school facilities. D. To introduce how to borrow reference books from the LRC. B Have you ever seen a kid in class who wouldn't volunteer to read or answer a question?I was that type of student.Talking in class was a struggle for me because the fear of saying the wrong thing was always on my mind. There were constant announcements about students in our class winning writing awards.It was a dream for me.I have always felt unsure of myself when writing ... ...

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