

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:42次 大小:56875Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年四川省高考英语适应性月考试卷(六) 一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共37.5分) A Today,it's harder than ever to get into a selective college or university.Here's what experts in college admissions advise when things don't quite work out: Don't take rejection personally "College admissions officers make business decisions based on what's best for the college," says Becky Sabky,an admissions counselor at Dartmouth. "These decisions are not personal." Most experts agree that record application numbers mean there's simply no way for overwhelmed admissions offices to take the time students' applications deserve. Focus on your character,not just for admissions,but for life lt's the first question Hafeez Lakhani,founder of a college admissions prep and consulting firm,asks clients: "How are you doing in cultivating a fulfilling high school career?" There's often confusion.Fulfilling to whom?Admissions officers?Parents? "Then you see their eyes open up because they realize they must be fulfilling to themselves first.Then others will notice," Lakhani says.You should spend some time figuring out your "character story" ,as Lakhani calls it. Consider taking a gap year Admissions dean J.T.Duck says that time spent working,making music,traveling or volunteering "might help you get a better job someday".Research has shown that gap-year students get in less trouble,are more likely to graduate on time,and have higher GPAs,which in turn can lead to stronger job opportunities. Get excited about the options you do have Jeffrey Selingo,professor of practice at Arizona State University,assures families that graduates of so-called elite(精英)schools versus state universities are barely distinguishable." All colleges have amazing things to offer students and the colleges that have accepted you are no exception.Get excited about attending one of those!" he says. 1. Who talks about the benefits of a gap year? _____ A. Becky Sabky. B. Hafeez Lakhani. C. J.T.Duck. D. Jeffrey Selingo. 2. What is Jeffrey Selingo's advice? _____ A. Consider options that you can afford. B. Distract yourself with exciting things. C. Seek support from your family members. D. Embrace the schools that have accepted you. 3. What are the four experts giving advice on? _____ A. How to get into a college that rejected you. B. How college admissions decisions are made. C. What your college application should include. D. What to do if your dream college turns you down. B I've always had an interest in how we understand our own motivations,so when someone invited me to experience a new form of self-analysis,I jumped at it. The therapy,Compassionate Inquiry,was developed by the doctor and author Gabor Maté.My practitioner(医师),Lauren Burton,believes it can be most useful for people who tend to take on too much or hold themselves to very high standards,because it helps you understand how your childhood self is still showing up in your adult life.When you realize that ... ...

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