
Module10 Unit 2 I'm in New York now. 单元卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:89次 大小:114472Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 I'm in New York now. 一、读一读,圈出句子中含有与例词画线部分相同发音的单词。 1.who Whose bag is it 2. what Where did you meet Mr Li 3. wrong Can you write in English 二、选出与画线单词同类的一项。 A.speak B. American C.pet D. airport E. made ( )1.We borrowed some books from the library. ( )2.Can you say more about the US ( )3.1want to try English food. ( )4.Mum cooked fish yesterday. ( )5.This animal is very lovely. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. His cousin (arrive) here yesterday. 2. My uncle (meet) me at the station last Sunday. 3.Did you (take) a taxi to work 4. There (be) lots of buses and cars in the street now. 5.I will (write ) again soon. 四、单项选择。 ( )1.Everyone Chinese in our class. A.speaks B.speaking C.speak ( )2.There are lots of on the street. A.car B. people C.bus ( )3.I want out more about the US. A. find B.to find C.finding ( )4.Who met Daming the airport A.at B.to C.of ( )5.1am Wuhan now. A.at B.to C.in 五、根据图片提示,选择合适的短语并用其正确形式填空。 have a party make Chinese food speak English take photos take a taxi 1. She can very well. 2.We to the theatre yesterday. 3.The children are going to . 4.Do you want to in the park 5.Grandma for me last night. 六、连词成句。 1.you,going,When,are,to,get,up ( ) make,of,You,a.can,list,things,do,to (.) are,lots,of,tall,cars,There,buildings,and (.) can,English,My,pet,new,speak (.) is,to,going,Who,the,with,airport,you ( ) 七、根据图片提示,补全对话。 1.A: went on holiday B:went on holiday. 2. A:did she go B: She went to . 3. A: did she go on holiday B: She went on the first day of July 4.A: did she go B: By train. 5.A: did she do there B: She ate Beijing Roast Duck and visited the Great Wall. 八、根据情景,选择合适的选项补全对话。 Mum: Hello, Xiaotian. Xiaotian: Hello, Mum. Mum: 1. Xiaotian: I'm in Xian. Mum: Who met you at the airport Xiaotian: My uncle and cousin Hao Zhe. Mum: 2. Xiaotian: By subway(地铁)。 Mum: What do you think of Xian Xiaotian: Xi'an is very beautiful.3. Mum:4. Xiaotian: I visited Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army(秦始皇兵马俑), Mum: 5. Xiaotian: Thank you, Mum. A. Have a good trip. B. What did you do there C.How did you go to their home D. Where are you now E.There are lots of tall buildings, cars and people. 九、阅读短文,完成下列任务。 I'm Linlin. The summer holiday is coming.I'm going to do many things. My grandparents like zongzi very much. I'm going to learn how to make zongzi.And I will make zongzi for my grandparents. I want to keep healthy. So I'm going to play sports. I’m going to run every morning. My parents and I like summer.It's hot in summer. We can take a trip. We all like climbing mountains. But there are many beautiful mountains in China. Where should we go Do you have a good idea 任务一:为短文选择一个合适的题目,将序号写在横线上。 A.My Weekend Plan B. My Holiday Plan C. My Daily Plan 任务二:根据短文内容补全句子。 1.Linlin is going to for her grandparents. 2. Linlin will in holiday every morning. 3. L ... ...

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