
Lesson 9 Danny’s School Project 课件(共40张PPT)2022-2023学年冀教版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:34次 大小:12598423Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 It’s Show Time! Lesson 9 Danny’s School Project Objectives 1.掌握词汇: describe, build, age, army, important, tool, more 2.掌握短语: try one's best, a long time ago, a little bit, make… from…. 3.学会用英语表达赞扬和鼓励。 4.学习动词的一般过去式。 Riddle 谜语 silk 丝绸 It is soft. It is colourful. We can make clothes from it. New words 丝绸 silk 军队 army desert soldier 沙漠 士兵 clay 黏土 New words tool 工具 More new words 描述 describe 更多 more 建造 build 以前 ago 重要的 important Warm up Last class, we learned something about Marco Polo. Can you tell something about Marco Polo Lead in Do you know what is it Can you tell something about it the Terra Cotta Warriors 秦始皇陵兵马俑 Before learning 汉译英 1.尽力 2.很久以前 3.一点点 4.由……制造 try one's best a long time ago a little bit make...from... Learn the lesson Danny: For my project, I will describe some places and things from China. You guess their names. Just ①try your best. Are you ready Let’s begin! These things are very old. People built them ②a long time ago. They ③look like an ancient army. What are they Jim: Are they the clay soldiers and horses from China Danny: Yes, you are right. They are the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xi’an. Here are some pictures. Jim: Wow! Cool pictures, Danny. 知识精讲 1. Just try your best. 只要尽你最大的努力。 例句 Whatever you do, try your best. 无论你做什么,都要尽力而为。 They will try their best to finish the work. 他们将会尽最大的努力来完成工作。 try one’s best ( to do sth.) =do one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事 We must try our best (describe) our travels. 【点拨】 采用分析句中固定搭配法。try one’s best to do sth.意为“尽某人最大努力做某事”。故填to describe。 典例 to describe 知识精讲 2. People built them a long time ago. 很久以前人们就建造了他们。 例句 They built the bridge a long time ago. 这座桥是很久以前建成的。 A long time ago, men hunted for their food. 很久以前,男人以捕猎为生。 a long time ago = once upon a time 很久以前 知识精讲 3. They look like an ancient army. 他们看起来像一支古老的军队。 例句 He looks like his father.. 他看上去像他的爸爸。 look like 看上去像 The twins _____ _____(看上去像) each other. 【点拨】 look like 意为“看上去像”。本句意为:这对双胞胎看起来很像彼此。 典例 look like Learn the lesson Danny: The next one is an animal. It’s big and tall. It’s an ④important tool on the Silk Road. Greg: Is it a horse Danny: Sorry! It lives in the desert. Greg: Oh, it’s a camel! Danny: ⑤Well done. Look at this picture. I’m riding a camel. Danny: Here is the last one. It is very soft. It comes in many colours. Kim: Many things are soft and colourful. Can you tell us ⑥a little bit more, please Danny: OK. We can ⑦make clothes from it. Lily: Is it silk Danny: Yes, you guessed it, Lily! Look at me. I’m wearing a silk shirt. 知识精讲 4. It’s an important tool on the Silk Road. 它是丝绸之路的重要工具。 例句 It is an important thing. 它是一件要事 ... ...

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