
人教版七年级下册 Unit7 It’s raining!SectionB(3a-Self Check)教案(表格式)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:17次 大小:130048Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit7 SectionB(3a-Self Check)教案 Type of lesson Listening and speaking Teaching aids Multimedia; Pads Teaching aims Knowledge aim 1. Students should be able to master the key description words about weather. 2. Students should be able to master the key sentences talking about the weather. Ability aim 1.Students should be able to understand the simple weather forecast and express the weather condition using the description words. 2.Learn how to forecast the weather in English. 3.Improve the students listening and speaking skills through different activities. Aim of quality education Call on the students to protect the environment to stop the bad weather and make a better world. Key point the key sentences about the weather. Difficult point How to forecast the weather in English. Teaching method 1. Self-study and exploring study. 2. Situation approach. 3. Task-based teaching methods Teaching steps Teaching contents Students’ activities Intention of design Step I Step II Step III Step IVStep V Step VI Step VII Step VIII Greetings Lead in Sing a weather song. Revision 1.Review the description words about the weather by writing on the Pad 2.Watch a video and get more description words about the weather. (on the Pads) New lesson 1.Weather symbols. 2.The way to tell the temperature. 3.Culture corner℃and℉--Two different measure ways of temperatures. 4.Pair work--on the Pad, choose two cities to talk about the weather and temperature, giving advice on proper clothing and activities. A: What’s the weather like in Beijing B: It’s clear/sunny/snowy. Beijing will have …. There’ll be… A: What’s the temperature in Beijing B: It’s minus five to six. A: You’d wear warm clothes and take an umbrella with you. Consolidation—being a weather reporter 1.show a video on a rapping weather man. 2.Show Time-Can you be a good weather reporter Further study Understand some idioms about the weather on the Pad. Summary Homework: Research--What can be done to stop it or slow down the process of bad weather Group work Task-based activityIndividual work, pair work and group work Make good use of the key words and structures. Extend the knowledge about weather Warm up the class. Lead in the topic Encourage students to speak English. Present the target languageDevelop students’ listening and speaking skills Arouse students’ interest to catch more information about the weather. And learn how to forecast the weather using the words and expressions given. Get more information about weather. Call on the students to protect the environment to stop the bad weather-- Heal the world, heal us. Blackboard arrangement

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