
专题十 七年级全册综合测试【暑假衔接训练】外研版英语七年级(PDF版,含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:48次 大小:2646543Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    B.1.work 2.of 3.Friday 4.week 5.make 6.walk 7.beautiful 8.have 9. see 10.sleep VI.1~5 CBEGD V.One possible version: Shopping online is a new way of shopping.Some students like the new kind of shop- ping. On one hand,it has many advantages.First,you don't need to leave your house to go shopping and can save much time.Second,the things on the Internet are often cheap. Third,there're many kinds of things online.On the other hand,it also has many disadvan- tages online.First,you can only see the pictures of the products online.Second,people can buy many things that are not really needed and waste much money. In a word,I like shopping online. 七年级综合测试 I.1~5 BCBAA 6~10 DBBDC II.1~5 BDBBC 6~10 CACDB 11~15 DABCC II.1.the 2.were 3.with 4.reading 5.carefully 6.myself 7.subjects 8.took 9.or 10.What IV,1.cook breakfast2.They will also help us do some heavy work.3.我们将会在电 话上看到他们并和他们讲话。4.Life will be different in the future.5.(1)robots(2) computers (3)visual phones V.A.1.paintings 2.Turn 3.opposite 4.tour 5.between B.1.winner 2.famous 3.means 4.to 5.writing 6.first 7.like 8.what 9. much 10.after VI.1~5 FBEGA VI.One possible version: I like travelling on holidays.I often travel with my parents.Last May Day,I went to Hangzhou by plane with my parents.We lived in a good hotel.We stayed there for a week. On the first day,we visited the West Lake and took lots of photos.Then we visited other places of interest there.I did some shopping happily with my mother.I liked the food there because it was delicious.We had a great time there.I hope to go there again. ·8·祝你暑假快乐 七年级综合测试 I,完形填空(10分) Why do people use the Internet to shop Some Babies'body language can tell you a lot of in- people say it is more convenient(方便的).They formation,including(包括)1 they need..If don't have to leave their homes to order something you can 2 babies'body language well,you can and they can shop for anything they want at any take better care of 3.Here is some experience time,day or night.Other people say they can find (经验)of some4: things for sale that they can't find in the stores Jessica:Sometimes when my baby and I play near their homes.Still other people say they can 5 a toy,she suddenly looks away.It seems find better prices on the Internet. that she is saying,"Hey,the toy is really 6, If you want to buy something on the Internet, but I think it is boring now,”Then I respect(尊重) you need a credit card.You have to type your my baby's need and let her have a 7.Maybe let credit card number and information on the website her go to bed,or start another game or activity. and send them to the store over the Internet.You Michelle:My seven-month-old baby often have to be sure that the store will not use your in- cries when I can't put food in his mouth 8 formation in the wrong way.You don't want enough.Sometimes he turns his face away and someone to get your credit card number and buy does not 9 me.That is to say,he is full. something with it.Of ... ...

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