
专题三 句型转换与翻译句子专练【暑假衔接训练】外研版英语七年级(PDF版,含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:78次 大小:2364183Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    参芳答案 专题一词汇专练 I.1.without 2.songs 3.yourselves 4.teeth 5.mine 6.Wednesday 7.fresh 8. among 9.woke 10.either 11.Smoking 12.gloves 13.interest 14.success 15. knives 16.else 17.towards 18.point 19.history 20.healthily 21.hers 22.forty 23.July 24.map 25.popular 26.tomatoes 27.take off II.1.enough 2.follow 3.trouble 4.sometimes 5.writing 6.miss 7.writer 8. clever 9.Australia 10.run 11.river 12.milk 13.sing 14.tall 15.shopping IlI.1.flowers 2.sixth 3.herself 4.successful 5.unhealthy 6.building 7.catches 8.truth 9.unusual I.I.June 2.the 3.save 4.river 5.From 6.eating 7.once 8.watched 9. fast 10.you 11~15 IGDEA 16~20 BJCHF 21.is 22.east 23.long 24.for 25.build 26.it 27.Chinese 28.also 29.is;collecting 30.to get 31.will go 32.began 33.but 34.island 35.outside 36.something 37.take 38.trees 39. leave 40.as 41.exciting 42.enjoy 43.into 44.serious 45.None 46.front 47.least 48.excuse 49.restaurant 50.shouted 51.went 52.again 53.lucky 54.pick 55.eat 56.sent 57.rest 58.centuries 59.instead 60.wild 61.speed 62.hear 63.home 64.evening 65.happy 66.with 67.and 专题二情景对话专练 1~5 CEAFD 6~10 DEABF 11~15 ABBAB 16~20 CBDEA 21~25 GDCFB 26~30 FEADG 31~35 HIBFA 36~38 DCE 39~43 GEBDA 44~48 FCDAB 49~53 BDEAC 54~58 CAEBF 59~63 CAFEG 64~68 BFDAC 专题三句型转换与翻译句子专练 I.1.doesn't plan 2.How far 3.How long 4.Is she 5.isn't any 6.does;in 7. How often 8.the same 9.How many 10.like;best 11.wasn't any 12.took 13. knives;are 14.Are there 15.didn't buy 16.Who is 17.Don't arrive 18.lends;to 19.aren't going 20.How often 21.doesn't do 22.Did;teach 23.What does; ·1look like 24.What;or chicken 25.Don't be 26.women nurses 27.How many 28.Does;do 29.Where will 30.aren't going 31.Does;have 32.weren't any 33.didn't have 34.Do you have a ruler 35.The noodles taste nice.36.How far is the muse- um 37.Pass her those black pens.38.There is a football match on TV now.Now there is a football match on TV.39.Are you 40.by car 41.What are;doing 42. When is 43.is taking 44.Does;come;it does 45.How much;does;eat II.1.stay/keep healthy/fit 2.different from 3.looking forward 4.have fun 5.are sure 6.turn off 7.at first 8.go sightseeing 9.all overfaround 10.quiet room 11.modern;traditional 12.in.on a the bus 13.make a decision make any decisions 14.wait for 15.look up 16.in public 17.dances to 18.is practicing playing the gui- tar 19.visitors;themselves 20.too much 21.believe;come true 22.along on with 23.is listening to music 24.What's the matter with 25.buy Peter some gifts;presents 26.Why not 27.helping me.your help 28.thousands of visitors;tourists 29.depends on 30.hand in 31.keep;return 32.be;for 33.enjoys/likes/loves running in the morning 34.spend;exercise 35.on time 36.Help yourself 37.good for 38. What;think of 39.anything else 40.In fact 41.Both;and 42.How fast 43.in front of 44.was waiting for 45.Don't;or 46.good at swimming 47.hardly;free time 48.How far 49.looking forward to seeing meeting 50.something interesting 51.Thanks for lending 52.There are thousands of 53.so;that 54. ... ...

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