
外研版(2019)必修第二册-Unit 1 Food for thought-Starting out & Understanding ideas-教案

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:33次 大小:426330Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Food for thought Starting out & Understanding ideas 【教学目标】 1. 语言能力目标 (1) 全面掌握本课时重点单词/词组/句型(读/写/记/运用); (2) 能够通过阅读文章,获取细节信息,并概括归纳主旨大意。 2. 思维品质目标: (1) 通过阅读文本,归纳文章主旨大意。 (2) 学会建立观点和事实之间的关系。 3. 文化意识目标: (1) 通过认识不同国家的食物,了解食物的多样性; (2) 通过学习不同的食物,了解食物的文化交流作用,培养自己的民族自豪感,同时树立起跨文化交际意识。 【教学重难点】 1. 全面掌握本课时重点单词/词组/句型; 2. 能够通过阅读文章,获取细节信息,并归纳文章主旨大意。 【教学过程】 Part 1. Starting out Step 1 Video time Watch a video and answer the questions. 1. What different types of food are introduced in the video 2. Have you ever tried any of the food in the video What did you think of it Step 2 Picture time (I) Match the food to the countries on the map and answer the questions. (Page 1) 1. Have you ever tried any of the food in the pictures Which would you most like to try and why 2. What food from other countries have you tried Share with the class. Step 3 Picture time (II) Look at the pictures in Activity 1 on page 2 and choose the food you’d like to try to see how adventurous you are. Think and share: Since these food are strange, smelly, stinky, or even disgusting and frightening, why do they still exist in the world (One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Food differs from people to people, countries to countries, and there are so many different diet customs. We may dislike these food, but we should respect.) Part 2. Understanding ideas Step 1. Prediction Activity 2 on Page 2. Look at the pictures and talk about your understanding of the title. (The child’s parents may come from two countries, as a result, he/she can taste different food from different countries.) Step 2. Main idea Have the Ss read the passage and choose the main idea in Activity 3. 1. How the family stay healthy by eating Chinese food. 2. What the family has done to promote Chinese food. 3. How the family cook both Chinese and English food. 4. How the family combines food from two cultures. And then check the answer with the class. Step 3. Facts and opinions Choose the correct symbols and complete the table with information from the passage. Step 4 Think and Share 1. What does the author mean by saying “one man’s meat is another man’s poison” Do you know any of similar sayings in Chinese (彼之蜜糖,我之砒霜。) 2. What food from other regions in China or other countries has made an impression on you Why 3. If you have to choose one word to describe Chinese food, what is it Discuss the questions with you partners and then share with the class. Step 5 Homework Review the main idea of the passage and the language points.

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