
Unit 7 What are the twelve animals?单元测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:89次 大小:366913Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【优选】北京版六年级上册 精品单元测试卷 Unit 7 What are the twelve animals? 一、找出与其他选项不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. snake B. animal C. rooster ( ) 2. A. caring B. hard C. order ( ) 3. A. show B. dentist C. worker ( ) 4. A. first B. twelve C. four ( ) 5. A. winter B. season C. spring 二、单项选择 (一) (  )1. In the     calendar, we are going to enter the year of the tiger.   A.China  B.Chinese       C.China’s (  )2. My best friend     collects the birth-year animal stamps.   A.also  B.too    C.either (  )3. My sister likes the dog best. She is as     as a dog.   A.hard  B.brave    C.caring (  )4. I have a whole set of the twelve birth-year     stamps in my collection.   A.monkey  B.panda    C.animal (  )5.     is the rat the first of the twelve animals   A.Why  B.Who    C.What (二) ( ) 1. I was born ____ July 6th, 2010. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 2. I am as ___as mother. A. tall B. taller C. tallest ( ) 4. ___starts the birth-year animals cycle. A. Rat B. Ox C. Tiger ( ) 5. _____ is the last of the twelve birth-year animals A. Snake B. Pig C. Dog 三、判断图片与句子是 ( ) 否 ( ) 相符。 (  )1. I was born in the year of the dog. (  )2. May is the fifth month of the year. (  )3. Winter is the coldest season of the year. (  )4. My sister likes the rabbit best. She is as friendly as a rabbit. (  )5. They play tennis every day. 四、根据句子,选择正确的图片。 1. I was born in the year of rooster. 2. My mother can make clothes by hand. 3. This is a tiger-year stamp. 4. The girl goes the dentist every six months. 5. Spring is the start of the four seasons. 6. My grandpa is as strong as a horse. A B C D E F 五、情景交际 1. —       — They are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. 2. —       — Every twelve years. 3. —       — Maybe the Jade Emperor decided. 4. —       — It was the rat. 5. —       — I’m an ox. A.What is your birth-year animal B.What are the twelve animals C.Which animal was the first of the twelve D.How often does each animal come around E.Who decided the order of the birth-year animals 六、.补全对话 A.What did you see B.I went to the zoo. C.They are very well. D.What did you do on the weekend E.Did you have fun in the zoo A: Hello, Lily! What did you do on the weekend B: 1.    A: 2.    B: Yes. I saw many animals. A: 3.    B: I saw giraffes, lions, tigers, crocodiles and so on. A: That’s really fun. B: 4.     A: I went to the countryside to see my grandparents. B: Oh, are they all right A: 5.    七、根据所给中文,补全句子。 1. 玉皇大帝决定举办一个游泳比赛。 The Jade Emperor _____ _____ hold a swimming race. 2. 我的妹妹最喜欢老鼠。她像老鼠一样聪明。 My sister likes the rat best. She is ____ ____ ____ a rat. 3. 你多久做一次家务? _____ _____ do you do housework 4. 请告诉我去博物馆的路。 Please ____ me the way ____the museum. 5. 秋天是第三个季节。 _____is the ___ of the seasons. 八、 ... ...

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