
Unit 4 Then and now Part C Storytime 单元整体教学设计(含反思)+教学课件(共39张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:14次 大小:35730802Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Then and now Part C Storytime PEP 六年级下 MUSEUM Unit 4 Then and now Part C Story time Changes of Miss Wang There are great changes around us. Let me tell you something about me . Before,I was short .But now I am tall. Before,I was quiet .But now I am active. Before,I couldn’t drive.But now I drive everyday. I change ,you change,everyhthing changes. Can you tell me something about that The changes of Jilin Then Before,there was/were (no)... in Jilin. Now,there is/are (no)... in Jilin. Now MUSEUM Click here to start your VR journey... Start > What’s the story about A. Changes of cooking ways . B. Changes of animal life. C. Changes of the world. Read and match What’s the title of each part B.The changes of the human life. A.The changes of the whales. C.The changes of the earth. Changes of human life Cavemen often ate raw meat.They didn’t cook their food. Now there are many things to help you cook. In 2050,there will be house robot.They will cook,clean and wash the dishes. pot pan raw meat Before Now Future many things house robots a e Oh, cavemen didn't cook their meat. It's OK. They didn't do the dishes either. What can the robots do in the future 未来的机器人还会做什么呢? What should we do I can clean the room . We should study hard. Read the story and fill in the blank Before raw meat many things house robots (There was/were...) Now (There is/are...) Future (There will be...) Changes of the earth There were many trees,and there were many clean rivers. Now there are more and more buildings. We should help the earth,so birds will have homes and the forests will be healthy and green again. Before Now Future many trees and rivers more buildings healthy and green What should we do We can ... Changes of the animal Before humans lived on the earth, whales already lived in the sea. Now there are not many whales. If we change now, whales and humans will have a bright future. Before Now Future many whales not many whales If you were the whale,what would you say 如果你是鲸鱼,你会说什么呢? Before humans lived on the earth, whales already lived in the sea. Now there are not many whales. If we change now, whales and humans will have a bright future. Before Now Future many whales not many whales bright future right 明亮的 Heal(拯救)the world. Make it a better place. Watch and repeat Museum’s Theatre Choose your favourite part to act it out. 在小组内选择你一个喜欢的角色来扮演 Changes of transportation(交通) Before, pepole _____ to work. Now,people go to work by _____ In the future,people will go to work by_____. Changes of _____ Before,_____ Now,_____ In the future,_____ (Tips:letter sending书信 ,payment支付方式) Changes around us Changes of transportation Changes of _____ Before, pepole_____ to work. Now, people go to work by _____ In the future,people will go to work by___. Before,_____ Now,_____ In the future,_____ Tips:letter sending书信 ,payment支付方式 Word bank: book , ... ...

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