
牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Grammar and usage & Integrated skills随堂检测(含答

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:82次 大小:41472Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Grammar and usage & Integrated skills 一、选词填空 with a bang, show off, go off, make a difference, come up, due to 1.Changing schools could _____ to my life. 2.He arrived at the office late this morning _____ the heavy rain. 3.The thieves ran away hurriedly when the alarm _____. 4.The subject of exercise and nutrition _____ at last week's class meeting. 5.Henry hasn't missed a chance to _____ his muscles to others since being praised for his strong figure. 6.The team won their last four games, ending the season _____. 二、翻译 1.Local people are questioning the _____(明智) of spending so much money on a new road. 2.They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a _____(作坊) in the basement. 3.Statistics _____(表明) that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than normal people. 4.尽管面临困难,但该公司坚持了下来,并在5G技术上处于领先地位。 _____ 5.为了学好英语,我们应该找机会尽可能多地听别人说英语。 _____ 6.他们用计算机来使交通畅通无阻。 _____ 7.在暴风雨中被刮倒的树已经被清洁工挪到了路边。 _____ 8.在叔叔所说的话的鼓励下,我决定重新开始。 _____ 三、语法填空 WHAT are scientists They are often described as grey-haired white-coated dull scholars. But the world has changed. Young scientists are making their voices heard and releasing their powers on the world stage. This is also true in China. Rising stars include new materials expert Gong Yongji, university professor Liu Mingzhen, and biologist Wan Ruixue. At the age of 28 in 2018, Wan Ruixue received the 2018 Science; & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists. This is a global prize to reward outstanding scientists at an early stage of their careers. She focuses mainly on Biomedicine (生物医学) and Molecular Biology (分子生物学) . "Both are cutting-edge (尖端的) technologies at an early stage of development, "she said. "So, I think they have great potential to be developed. I think in the study of cutting-edge technologies, China and other leading countries in the world are standing at the same starting line. And in the study of Structural Biology, China is likely to become the leader." She felt it was her fate to become a biologist. "I grew interested in the natural world when I was very young, " she said. In 2009, she entered Sun Yat-sen University. In her third year at university, she realised that she wanted to do something related to biomedicine. So she e-mailed China's top biologist Shi Yigong, hoping to join his lab at Tsinghua University. Shi recognised her talent and welcomed her. Years of efforts at the lab have paid off. Her research on the high-definition 3-D structure of spliceosome led to a scientific breakthrough. Unlike many of other young scientists who choose to pursue further study abroad, Wan currently has no plan to go overseas. "The whole ecosystem for scientific research is continually improving in China," she said, adding that the country has great science facilities. 1.What does the underlined word "releasing" in Paragraph 2 mean A.Giving out. B.Gettin ... ...

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