
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 Food matters重点词组词形变化素材

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:17次 大小:22018Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新译林 选择性必修一 U1 重点词组+词形变化 Page 2 lift one’s spirts 振作 No matter how bad my mood is, that perfect combination is always enough to lift my spirits. 2 do the trick 凑效 起作用 Sometimes the smell alone can do the trick, not to mention the lovely creamy flavor, which works like a time machine immediately transporting me back to my sunny childhood. 2 not to mention 更不用说 2 take one’s time over 从容的 不着急的 I take my time over every spoonful, gently rolling the silky dessert around my mouth and enjoying the perfect marriage of rice and milk. 2 in broadest sense/ in a broad sense 广义上讲 In its broadest sense, comfort food refers to any food that makes us feel better. 2 refer to 指的是 2 call to mind 呼唤 想起 In this article, we will talk about a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the association it calls to mind. 3 make up for 弥补 It often makes up for bad feelings by helping us recall happy memories of the people, things or places we love. 3 vary from person to person 因人而异 They vary from person to person, depending on our own unique experience that have shaped our lives. 3 depend on 取决于 11 be linked with 与。。有联系 If we grow up eating certain foods in our family, then those foods tend to be linked with positive emotions. become tied up with 与。。密切联系 We often connect chicken soup with a happy childhood and its flavor becomes tied up with the feeling of being taken care of. cheer up 使 振作起来 When we eat it again, we unlock memories of a time when we were loved and looked after, and this cheers us up. sense of belonging 归属感 The feeling of happiness and sense of belonging can become particularly important for people who move away from their home country. take sb back to 带回 One mouthful of comfort food takes us back to our culture roots, giving us the “taste of home” that we cry out for and relieving feelings of homesickness. cry out for 迫切需要 build an emotional bond with 与。。建立情感的纽带 Comfort food tastes good and by building an emotional bond with our happy memories, always makes us feel good. 12 food for the soul 精神食粮 It isn’t just a bowl of noodles or chicken soup. It food for the soul. mouth- watering 令人垂涎欲滴的 The mouth-watering hot pots of Sichuan are as famous overseas as they are in china, and the hot flavor is enough to heat up a cold midwinter evening or to let loose rivers of sweat on a summer afternoon. heat up 加热 let sth loose 释放 放任 tip into 把。。倒进 Slowly at first, and then faster and faster, we tipped plated of fresh meat, fish and vegetables into the pot. start off 始于 开始 They are believed to have started off in the late Qing Dynasty as a way for boatmen on the Yangtze river to keep warm during the cold and wet winters over time 随着时间的推移 Over time, it has expanded to include multiple options of soups, vegetables, meats and sauces, appealing to people of different tastes. appeal to 对。。有吸引力 socialize with sb 和某人交往 Wh ... ...

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