
译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 3 The art of painting 重点词组+词形变化(含答案)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:70次 大小:25809Byte 来源:二一课件通
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U3 重点词组+词形变化 P30 pick out 选出 While it was hard to pick a favorite painting out of so many amazing works, the artists who make the deepest impression on me were two of so many make deep impression on 留下深刻印象 house in 居住在;把。。。放在 Housed in an old railway building , this world famous art museum features some of the best-know painting from the impression movement of the 19th century. lay ..on lay eyes on 施加于 看打 Even though I had admired them hundreds of times on my computer screen, nothing could have prepared me for the wonder I felt when I finally laid eyes on the real thing. in a unique way 以独特的方式 It is amazing that every time Monet studied this simple scene, he brought the pond’s beauty to the canvas in a unique way. up close 靠近地 When I saw it up close, I was struck by the small areas of light across the painting. jump out at 突然出现,一下子吸引住 This effect makes the lively movement of the dance almost jump out at the viewer. seek from 从。。中寻找 Monet, along with other like-minded artists, sought liberation from the rules of the old style. oppose to 和。。截然相反 Everyday subject matter was the main focus of their works, as opposed to the history painting that had traditionally dominated European art. burn with 充满 Impressionist artists did not try to paint every detail in scene-just a brief “impression” they had at that moment, burning with vivid colours and light, before it disappeared. be worthy of note 值得注意的是 It is also worthy of note that Post-Impressionist planters were not the only ones to be influenced by Impressionism. leave an impression on sb 给人留下印象 It certainly left a lasting impression on me too! P33 take up 开始从事;拿起;占据(时间,空间) In 1880, he took up painting, from which he drew much comfort. draw comfort from 获得安慰 34 wonder at 对。。感到吃惊 I wondered at the skill of the artist, their use of colour and how they played with light and shade. bathe sth in 使。。沉浸在 I enjoyed the whole experience –to be able to bathe my senses in this palace of human creativity. have a good view of 好好看看 Instead of having a good view of it, however, you see nothing but raised arms and smartphones. wage a campaign 发起一场运动 The museum has waged the Big Draw campaign, where visitors are encouraged to keep their smartphones in their pockets or bags and pick up paper and pencils instead. learn about 了解 学习 Some museums are also asking people to get prepared before their visit by learning about the artworks first. 37 stick to 粘住,坚持 Stick each seashell to the cardboard using glue. 39 an insight into 对。。的深入了解 It offers an important insight into life in China in the 12th century. test of time 时间的挑战 The ancient scroll has survived the test of time remarkably well, and is currently housed in the Palace Museum in Beijing. wind through 弯曲的通过 The first section presents a peaceful scene of rural life near Bianjing, featuring crop fields, a river winding t ... ...

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