
Unit6 Keep our city clean Checkout time & Ticking time课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:68次 大小:5354796Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 译林版小学英语六年级上册 Unit6 Keep our city clean (Checkout time & Ticking time) Unit 6 Keep our city clean (Checkout time & Ticking time) t o m c h o r s e k f e b r u a r y e m s f g r a p e l e t d o t h i r t y m f a s d r a w i n g q l k w i n t e r s h You like .../ Your birthday is.../ Your favourite ... is... More about me Let's review What makes our city messy and dirty What can we do to keep our city clean The bedroom is . The make the bed messy. The make the floor messy. Rubbish makes the park and .To keep the park clean, we can in the bin. The classroom is and _____.To keep it clean, we can the floor. We can the desks and chairs. Smoke makes the air . To keep the air clean, we can _____ away from the city. Checkout time: Look and write Step1 独立完成填空 Step2 小组选择一幅图片进行展示(齐读,一人一句读,边读边演......) The bedroom is . The make the bed messy. The make the floor messy. messy toys clothes Rubbish makes the park and . To keep the park clean, we can in the bin. dirty put the rubbish messy The classroom is and . To keep it clean, we can the floor. We can the desk and chairs. dirty clean sweep messy Smoke makes the air . To keep the air clean, we can away from the city. dirty move some factories To keep our city clean, let's start from our school and start from me! 保持城市整洁,从学校做起,从我做起! Let's write The room is messy and dirty. ... makes ... dirty/ messy. ... To keep the room clean, we can put... in ... We can... 说出一个你喜欢的句子 指出一个错误的表达 What makes the room dirty and messy Step1 六人小组,合作完成海报设计 Step2 推选一位发言人,简要介绍小组设计 Step3 评选最佳设计奖、最佳创意奖 Let's make Everyone makes a little effort, our city will be more beautiful! (每个人努力一点点,我们的城市会更漂亮!) I know how to keep our city clean. Ticking time I can use“make”,“keep” and “can”. Make your poster better and share it with other groups. Homework Thanks for your listening!

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