
Lesson 24 An E-mail to Grandpa课件(共27张PPT)2022-2023学年冀教版八年级下册

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:47次 大小:16019019Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us 初中英语冀教版八下 Lesson 24 An E-mail to Grandpa 1. To understand the passage about the e-mail. 2. To review some words and expressions of this unit. 1. Do you prefer writing a report on paper or on the computer Why 2. How often do you use your computer for work, study or fun Lead in Ask and answer these questions with your partner. Enjoy the video 随着社会的发展,网络信息对人们的作用越来越重要,电脑也是作为现代人生活的重要工具,对大家的生活影响也是很重要的。 当代大学生对新生事物也是充满了好奇,有较强的专业素质和文化,对新生产品有较大的兴趣,加之学生或生活对电脑的需要,意味着大学生对电脑产品有较强的购买力。 2016年大学生使用电脑情况调查报告 Read Dear Grandpa, How are you these days I am writing this e-mail on my new laptop. It is really nice and very fast. It is so helpful. We can do so many great things on a computer and with the Internet. I have learned how to use a chat program. Let’s chat someday soon. My chat program even has video. It would be a lot of fun to see each other as we talk!Can we set up a time to go online together Read At school this week, I did a report about Easter. My new computer made it fun and interesting. I did all of my research on the Internet. How did I do it I just typed the right questions into the search engine. It is quite easy to find information on the web. I know you like reading. I know how to download e -books online. I will send some to you! I even learned how to find my way around the city. I found a map program on the Internet. It can give me directions to anywhere I want to go. It’s amazing. If I want to go to some new places, I can easily find my way. Talk to you soon, Wang Mei Practice Read the conversation in pairs and pay attention to these sentences. (1) Do you prefer writing a report on paper or on the computer (2) Let’s chat someday soon. (3) Can we set up a time to go online together (4) When I want to relax, I turn on the radio and listen to my favourite radio programs. 1. What is Wang Mei writing She is writing an e-mail on her new laptop. 2. What can she do with the Internet She can talk with others, do the research, read e-books and find her way around the city online. 3. How can she talk with others online She can use a chat program. It even has video. She can see each other as they talk. Practice Read the lesson and answer the questions. 4. How can she do the research online She can type the right questions into the search engine. 5. How can she read online She can download e-books online. 6. How can she find her way around the city She can use a map program on the Internet. It can give her directions to anywhere she wants to go. Practice Read the lesson and answer the questions. Language Point 1. Do you prefer writing a report on paper or on the computer prefer doing sth意思是 “更喜欢做什么,偏爱什么”,其中prefer 表示 “更喜欢”,不可以用于现在进行时。 My mother prefers raising fishes.我妈 ... ...

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