
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Honesty and responsibility-Reading课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:24次 大小:7678458Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修四Unit 1 Honesty and resposibility Reading Reading Appreciating Literature — After Twenty Years OPEN CLASS By the end of this class, we are expected to: 1.summarize the plot of scene 1; 2.analyze main characters by finding out evidence in the passage; 3.create the ending of scene 3 and continue to discuss scene 4 4.make a right judgment by keeping a balance between responsibility and friendship Extended reading Reading for elements who when where what why Reading and understanding who policeman Bob Jimmy Wells when barely ten o’clock at night where doorway of a store, New York Summary The man _____(where) is_____(what) his friend whose name is _____(who) to turn up at _____(when) because of their _____(why) made 20 years ago. at the doorway of a store waiting for Jimmy Wells around 10 Scene 1 appointment Reading and interferring Scene 1 setting feelings anxiety show-off “It’s all right,officer,” he said. “I’m just waiting for a friend...” with keen eyes...a little white scar... pulled out a handsome watch, set with small diamonds nervous-ness detailed description Reading and acting Scene 2 Would Jimmy turn up at the appointment Jimmy Wells Is he Jimmy Wells Why Student A: Bob Student B: the new arrival Others: Voice-over(旁白) Reading and combing Scene 2,3 Bob Jimmy Wells About..., a tall man in a long overcoat, with collar turned up...(Para 11) “Is that you, Bob ” he asked, doubtfully.(Para 12) “...You’ve changed lots,Jimmy.You seem taller,at least two or three inches.”(Para 15) “As I suspected,...” ...with anger.(Para 19) Find the evidence Reading and creating scene 3 If it is a happy ending Giving an ending to the story You may begin with… When Bob unfolded the note, it read Delighted and grateful, he... What happened to Bob finally Why did it happened How did Bob feel If it is a surprising ending Although Bob was surprised, he… When he unfolded the note, Bob suddenly found out that… If it is a surprise ending "Bob: I was at the appointed place on time. When you struck the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted in Chicago. Somehow I couldn't do it myself, so I went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job.JIMMY." surprise ending Recap plot ③climax ①Beginning ②Rising action ④Falling action ⑤Resolution Jimmy was on the beat before 10 p.m. Bob suspected the thrid man was not Jimmy. Bob was arrested by a plain-clothes man. Bob didn’t recognize Jimmy and chatted with him. Bob knew the truth by the note of Jimmy. 1 3 4 2 5 Reading and comparing I think Jimmy/Bob is _____ because in paragraph____, it says “____”. adjectives/nouns/phrases What kind of person do you think Jimmy/Bob is Bob Jimmy Wells characters Appreciation foreshado-wing(伏笔) The light showed a pale face, with keen eyes...a little white scar near his right eyebrow...oddly set.(Para 4) About twenty minutes later, a tall man in a lo ... ...

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