
小学英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第二版) Starter Level Unit5 My house Lesson1教案

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:12次 大小:3161677Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 课题 Unit 5 My house-Lesson1 主备人 授课人 教学目标、重难点、教具准备:教学目标:学习与house相关的主题词汇,并讨论相关主题。重点词汇:house, living room, sofa, bedroom, bed, kitchen重点句型:What is it It’s a living room. 补充语言:new新的, a new house 一座新房子。Where is the sofa It’s in the living room.教具准备:人物卡片(Monty, Marie, Maskman),单词卡片,CD或者磁带 教学过程:Step1 Preparation (5min)和全班同学打招呼。T:“Hello, my boys and girls! Class begins! ”Ss:“Stand up! Hello, Miss.Peng.” 展示一张房子的图片。T:“Look!What is it ”听到学生回答“房子”时,用完整句子回答:“Yes, it’s a house. Read after me———house, house, house”。(PPT4)3.继续提问,引出人物角色Monty和Marie。T:“Now, please look at the picture and answer me——— Whose house is it ”Ss: “Maskman Marie Monty ”T:“Yes! You got it! That’s Monty’s new house. Let’s see what’s gonna happen next.”Monty: “It’s my new house.”Marie:” Hello, Monty!”Monty: “Hello, Marie. Welcome to my new house!Come in, please! Let me show you my house! ”(通过人物角色Monty和Marie的对话,引入新课的话题———My house”)T: “Yes, as you can see, today, our topic is ‘My house’. And Monty has its new house now, Let’s go and have a look.”(PPT5)Step2 Presentation (15min)1.Monty和Marie通过门进入房子内部,引出第一个新词door。T:“Look at this!”拿出单词卡片,并在黑板上画出一个空白的房子,并将单词door的卡片贴在黑板上房子相对应的位置。指着单词图片,T:“What is it It’s a door. ”强调door。T:“Read after me! Door, door,door.”(PPT6-8)让学生跟读几遍。以这样的方式呈现其他的新词汇。What is it It’s a living room.What is it It’s a sofa.What is it It’s a kitchen.What is it It’s a bedroom.What is it It’s a bed.T:“Woo...Monty’s new house is so beautiful! Right ”Ss:“Yes!”T: “Now, please look at the cards and read after me loudly.”(PPT10-18,单词教学)2.拿出单词卡片,领读单词。变化方式让学生跟读,比如,身体向左(右)摇摆读,大声/轻声/无声读,男生/女生读,按照行/列/组读,站起来/坐着读,分角色读等。3.通过人物角色Marie和Monty来玩一个游戏,寻找Monty。T: “Oh, Marie can’t find Monty now, let’s help her to find Monty in its new house.”Ss:“OK!”Marie: Where is Monty Let's find Monty in the house.T: “Where is Monty ” “It’s in the...(提示学生)”Ss:“It’s in the living room.(bedroom, kitchen)” (PPT19)最后带学生大声回顾朗读新学的6个新词。T:“Wow, we found it! Here is Monty! You did an excellent job just now! Okay, please look at the blackboard again, and read those word.”(PPT21)Step3 Practice (10min)T:“Now,it’s time to practice and play some games. Okay ” Ss:“Yes!”将房子的新词卡片放到教室的不同位置,发出指令,说:Point to…,不断加快发出指令的速度,增加难度。T:”Who wants to build a house by yourself Come on! Hands up!”请学生上台,在黑板上的空白房子里按照自己的喜好“建造”自己的房子(在空白房子内贴入),并向其他同学介绍。Ss: “It’s a living room. ” It’s a kitchen. ” It’s a bedroom.”T:“Wow! Amazing! That’s really a nice house! Thank yo ... ...

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