
Unit 2 Shopping Lesson 1 How much is it(教学设计

日期:2024-05-21 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:57次 大小:12820Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Shopping lesson 1 How much is it 教学设计 教学目标 1.能在插图的帮助下理解故事的主要内容。 2.能朗读故事人物的对话。 3.能指认、说明数字的名称:eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. 4.能询问、说明物品的价格:How much is the … It’s …yuan. 学情分析 四年级的年龄在十、十一岁左右。生性好动活泼,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、特别感兴趣。而且他们接触英语已由一年的时间了,已具备初步听说能力。但部分学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣也随之也减弱了,对于三年级的教材他们掌握还不是很牢,并且四年级的教材对学生又提出新的要求,培养听、说、读、写的技能。 重点难点 教学重点 1.理解并正确朗读故事。 2.数字名称:eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. 教学难点 引导学生发现数字构成的规律。 教学过程 【导入】Step I Warm up 1.Sing “Twenty little Monkey toys” song. 2.Guess game. Prepare some toys in a bag, have students to guess what is it 教学设计:激活学生有知识背景,引入话题。渗透词汇学习 【导入】Step 2 Lead in  Show picture in page 14.Have students to answer questions. T:Where are they What do they want to buy 教学设计:学生结合插图理解故事发生的场景。预测故事内容。 【讲授】Step 3 Listen and Read  1.Play the tape, and then have students to answer questions. T: What do Ann, Ken and Mocky want to buy Then show toys cards (train, plane, kite),have students point at from picture. 2.Play the tap again ,let students find the price of the toys. T: How much is the kite It’s …. 3.Talk about the picture one by one .Pay attention to the key sentence. “How much is the train/ the plane/ the kite It’ s 20yuan / 18 yuan /12yuan .” 教学设计:关注故事的具体内容,同时结合插图渗透词汇学习。结合内容理解询问和说明价格句型的意义,渗透数字词汇学习。 4.Have students to read the story after the tape. 5.Consolidate the story .Have students complete the dialog. 帮助学生建立声音与图片、文本之间的联系。内化语言和情节,并强化主要语言结构。 【活动】Step 4 Learn to say  1.Teacher says the number ,students point at the word cards .Have students to match the number with the words between two students. 2.Invite some students to stick on the blackboard. Then find out the feature of the numbers. 教学设计:通过多层次和形式的活动,使学生建立起数字和数字名称之间的联系。简单的数字运用活动强化学生的理解。在猜测活动中为学生真实运用数字提供机会。 3.Show picture in learn to say ,talk about What are Ann ,Ken and Mocky doing What can you see in the shop Teacher shows toys,then have students to guess the price . 4.Play the dialog, get the price of the toy doll. 5.Divide students into severl group to act out the dialog like : S1: How much is the car S2:It’s 11yuan. 教学设计:通过观察图片的活动培养学生的观察及表达能力。学习新的玩具词汇。复习、学习故事中出现的数字。结合情境理解句型的意义。在情境之中学习数字词汇 .Invite some students to show it . 【练习】Step 5 Listen and match Have students to look at the picture ,talk about the toys and the price. 1.Play the tape ,have students to match the toys with th ... ...

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