
Unit 5 July is the seventh month of the year. Lesson 27 教学设计(含教学反思)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:97次 大小:13369Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 July is the seventh month of the year.Lesson 27 Teaching contents: Just read and talk Teaching aims and demands: 学习如何用英语说出9—10月,简单谈论相关的介绍。 Teaching Affection 1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence. 2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading. Teaching important points and difficult points: (一) 学习如何用英语说出9—10月。 (二)September is the ninth month of the year. October is the tenth month of the year. Teaching methods: 1. Situational Teaching Method. 2. Direct Teaching Method. 3. Listening and reading. 学情分析 六年级的学生已经对英语熟悉三年了。但是有一部分学生不是很喜欢上英语课,学习兴趣不是很高,个别学生甚至有厌恶感,同时,有些学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣问题;另一方面,学生有一定的分化,但也不是全部都差,没基础。两极分化很大又占了很大的比例也不忍心放弃他们,只能一遍又一遍的重复和练习,而此时那些已经具有大量英语基础知识的学生面对这样的同学和老师的教学,一开始或许还有一种自豪感,但很快便会十分无聊而影响课堂。所以针对以上情况,采取以下措施:1 、及时帮助,以防为主。2、讲究教法,实施分层教学。 Teaching Steps: 1. Warming-up / Revision (5 ’) 1)Sing a song: Months of the Year. 2)Ask and answer. T:How many month names have you learnt 2. Presentation (20 ’) 1)We learn September and October. Today we study lesson27 2)教师展示课件,通过一步一步的提问抓住学生的注意力,滚动复习旧知识,同时自然引入第一段学习目标。 T: Oh, a pretty girl! What are the students doing The students are giving their teachers flowers to show their love.Do you know why Just guess! Now, let me tell you.It's Teachers’ Day.Do you know Teachers’ Day Yes, of course you know.When is Teachers’ Day Who can tell me ... Oh, good boy / girl.You are right.But do you know how to say it in English Ok.Let's listen to the tape and find the answer. 3)课件出示课文第一段,让学生仔读,读后回答两个问题:9月 用英语是怎么说的;教师节的日期用英语怎么说。 4)按照这样的步骤学习其他二段的教学内容,借助图片、手势动作帮助学生理解文中生词的意思,必要的地方可以用汉语适当解释。 5)Listen to the tape again and repeat. 3. Practice (15 ’) 1)教师课前先制作好一个标有12月份缩写的圆盘,中间是一 个可以移动的指示箭头,如钟表状,让学生分组来转,指到哪一个月,要先用英语读出来,并且再造一个句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.说对的学生为本组赢得小旗子,哪组旗子多,哪组是冠军。 2)Practice. 4. Assessment 由学生自己选择相关的月份,在作业本上用英语写出关于这个 月份至少4句话。 5. Additional activities/Homework (5 ’) Finish the activity book. 八. Blackboard design: Lesson 27 September is the ninth month of the year. September October is the tenth month of the year. October Summary: 本节课教学内容是有关月份的单词和句型。在本节课中,注重激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在情景中学习和运用语言,最后能用本节课所学的语言做事情,即调查同学的生日。 在本节课上,通过重点把握复习、新知教学和拓展提高三个环节,面向全体学生,因材施教,关注学习过程。通过唱歌进行复习导入,并采用一系列的活动,引导能力稍弱的学生加深对所学内容的理解,强化对月份类单词的认读,为后续学习奠定了基础 ... ...

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