

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:59次 大小:5973876Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年海曙区小学毕业考试卷英语试题 Listening Part (30%) 1.Listen and choose what you hear..(听音,选择听到的内容。)10% 1)A.QRUW B.QRWV C.RQWV D.WVQR 2)A.7:20 B.6:20 C.7:30 D.8:30 3)A.Tuesdays B.Wednesdays C.Fridays D.Saturdays 4)A.bigger B.smaller C.big D.small 5)A.socks B.shorts C.sweaters D.skirts 郡 6)A.draw B.did C.door D.do 卓 7)A + 8)A 9)A 如 10)A.. 2.Listen and choose the right answer.(听小对话,选择正确的答案。)5% 11)A.In the shop. B.In the playground. C.In the park. 12)A.They're Mike's. B.They're John's. C.They're Miss White's. 13)A.He goes to a farm. B.He visits his grandparents. C.He goes to a small town. 14)A.Sunny and hot. B.Cold and windy. C.Cool and cloudy. 15)A.The boy in green. B.The boy in brown. C.The boy in black. 3.Listen and judge.(根据听到的内容判断正误,正确的用“a"表示,错误的用“B” 表示。)5% 16)The woman lost her way to the Renmin Park. 17)The Renmin Park is far from here. 苏 18)The woman can go to the Renmin Park on foot. 19)The woman can go straight and turn left at the first crossing. 20)The Renmin Park is next to the supermarket. 4.Listen and finish the passage.(根据听到的短文,填写所缺的内容。)1o% 海曙区小学毕业考试 英语试卷4-1

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