

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:86次 大小:653139Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小升初考前冲刺卷(一)-小学英语六年级下册沪教牛津版(深圳用) 一、单选题 1.I can _____ up rubbish. ( ) A.pick B.picking C.picks 2.The woman threw a plastic bottle _____ a rubbish bin. ( ) A.to B.into C.for 3.Tokyo is the capital of _____. ( ) A.Canada B.Japan 4.Robots will help us _____ at home. They’re really helpful. ( ) A.clean the street B.water the flowers C.drive the car 5.Last week, my father _____ me _____ the cinema. ( ) A.takes; to B.took; from C.took; to 6.与kitchen划分音节相同的单词。( ) A.apple B.chess C.computer 7.Do you do _____ exercise ( ) A.a lot B.lot of C.a lot of D.a lots of 8.The parrot is too noisy. All the other birds fly _____. ( ) A.away B.back C.again 9.I have an e friend _____ China. ( ) A.on B.in C.at 10.We don’t need _____ wishes. ( ) A.some B.any 二、补全句子 11.I had a good _____ _____. (暑假) 12.I live in the c_____. (乡村) 13.Do you do a lot of e_____ 14.I am a football _____ (迷). 15.My favourite _____ (学科) is Maths. 三、句图匹配 A.No smoking. B.Keep quiet. C. No swimming. D.Look out for animals. E. Don’t walk on the grass. F. Look out for children. 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20. ( ) 21. ( ) 四、句子匹配 A.No. I’m a girl. B.Good afternoon. C. No. I’m nine. D.You’re Alice. E. Good evening. 22.Good evening. ( ) 23.Good afternoon. ( ) 24.Who am I ( ) 25.Are you a boy ( ) 26.Are you seven ( ) 五、排序题 27.( ) No, I didn't. I'm sorry. ( ) No, I don't. Is it your cat ( ) Excuse me, can you help me ( ) Yes, it is. It got lost this afternoon. Did you see it ( ) Sure. What's the matter ( ) Look at this photo, do you know it 六、连词成句 28.put, into, a, truck, he, me (.) _____ 29.become, we, pieces, small (.) _____ 30.e-friends, have, in, I, different, countries, some (.) _____ 31.the, beach, enjoying, the, holiday, on, parents, are, my (.) _____ 32.like, the, on the left, one, I (.) _____ 七、选内容补全对话/短文 Kitty: Who’s this boy in the photo Sally: 33 34 But now he lives in the USA with his family. Kitty: 35 What’s wrong with him Sally: He had too much sweet food. He likes cola very much. 36 Kitty: That’s unhealthy. Sally: You are right. 37 I’ll send him an email. A.And he only eats a few vegetables and a little fruit. B.He was born in London. C.He looks fat and unhealthy. D.He should eat more healthy food. E.He’s my cousin, Steven. 八、阅读选择 阅读理解 My summer holiday is coming to the end. During the holiday, we went to Dalian for a visit, I saw the beautiful sea there, it was really amazing. The sea water was as blue as the sky, and it was very clean. Also, the beach in Dalian was very nice, we built a small sand palace. When I was swimming in the sea, as if I was a little fish. I like that feeling very much. I also spent time to study for school. I read many books, practiced math problems, and I finished all of my homework. I was very happy. 38.Where did she go during the holiday ( ) A.Shanghai. B.Dalian. C.Sany ... ...

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