
人教版八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matter? Section B 2a-2e 教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:77次 大小:143283Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 What’s the matter Section B (2a-2e) 学习目标: 通过本节课的学习,同学们能: 在阅读活动中认读、感知、理解新词汇 breathe,sunburned,ourselves,climber,risk,accident,situation,kilo,rock,knife,importance,be used to,take risks,run out of,cut off,get out of,be in control of,give up. 2. 通过Skimming找到每段的大意;通过Scanning,Detailed reading获取文章细节信息。 3. 根据事件发生的先后顺序复述Aron的故事。 4.学习Aron的精神,勇敢面对生活的挑战。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。 2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。 2. 教学难点: 1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。 2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。 三、教学方法 1、情景交际教学法:充分利用学生已有的知识和经验,创设生活化的真实情境,引导学生在运用中学习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言。 2、任务型教学法:设计多种任务活动和游戏,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,进行探究学习。 3、尝试教学法:通过学生自学和小组互助学习进行尝试教学,强调课前预习、课堂讨论和课堂检测。让学生在尝试中学习,在尝试中体验成功。 4、多媒体辅助教学法:运用现代化多媒体技术直观形象的学习,效果事半功倍。 四、教具准备 多媒体课件,黑板,彩色粉笔。 五、学习过程 : Before Reading 1.Free talk: What accidents or problems can happen when we ... 2. Talk about the picture and answer: (1)What sports does he like (2)What’s the matter with him Did he give up climbing While reading Predict:look at the picture and the title: What is the passage mainly about A.How to climb mountains and have fun. B. How to get out of the difficult situations. Skimming Read and match the main idea with each paragraph. Para 1 Aron Ralston wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Para 2 Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing . Para 3 His arm was caught under a rock when he was climbing by himself in the mountains.. Para 4 We should have the same spirit as Aron. 2)Scanning Read para 1 and answer the questions. 1.Where did the accident happen on April 26, 2003 2. Why does Aron like mountain climbing Read para 2 put the sentences in correct order. He couldn’t free his arm ,and stayed there for 5 days. He bandaged himself so that he wouldn’t lose too much blood. His arm was caught under a rock when he was climbing in the mountains. He climbed down the mountains to find help. He used his knife to cut off his right arm. Read para 3 and answer the questions 1.What did Aron do after the accident 2.What does “between a rock and a hard place” mean Read para 4 answer What do we learn from Aron Ralston Detailed reading Read the whole passage. Help with each other to solve problems. After Reading Group work Challenge yourself 小组合作,复述故事。小组中一人一句,故事接龙。 Homework: 1.Write down your experience about between a rock and a hard place. 2. If you have interest ,you can read Between a Rock and a Hard Place or see the film 127 Hours ( Unit 1 What ’ s the matter Section B ( 2 a-2 e ) r isk 5. be used to, kilo ... ...

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