

日期:2024-05-17 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:98次 大小:32500Byte 来源:二一课件通
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英语必背句型(写作) M1(外表+爱好+心情) 描述外表:I’m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses. 描述爱好:I am crazy about running. 描述心情:I feel a bit nervous. M2(经历) 我已经参加了很多比赛: I have entered a lot of competitions. M4(健康生活的建议) First, stop eating fast food and eat healthy food everyday.(建议1)It is good for your health.(理由1)What’s more, You’d better get some exercise, such as running.(建议2)It can help you keep away from illness. (理由2)Finally, why not keep a wonderful mood (建议3)It can help you enjoy your life better.(理由3) M5(喜爱的卡通任务) Monkey King has won the hearts of young people all over the world(引入主题). He is brave, smart, and humorous(描述性格). I think there is a lesson there. We need to learn to protect each other(总结经验教训). M6(兴趣爱好) Hobbies can make me grow as a smarter person, develop my interests and help me learn new skills(引入主题). I collect stamps just to remember something important in my life(描述手机的意义). M7(开设课程广告)重点记忆 Come to learn Chinese in Wenzhou! We can offer you great summer Chinese courses. Our courses start at the end of June. Our teachers are well trained, and have a lot of experience. As well as learning well in Wenzhou, you can also stay as a guest with a Chinese family and take part in their daily life. There are many exciting things to do in Wenzhou. You can choose to take trips to Yandang Mountain or Nanxi River. For example, you can enjoy sights in Yandang Mountain. It is a magic land of mountains, forests and rocks. What’s more, it’s famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks. Do not wait! Fill out our form and come to learn Chinese in Wenzhou. M9(友谊+修复友谊的建议) 友情(开头): Friendship is like a hidden treasure. 友情(结尾):My suggestion is: make friends with the world and it will also make friends with you. 给建议(跟父母/朋友吵架):Try to find out whether she feels sorry about that. I’m sure she regrets hurting you, so be patient with her. M10(获得工作前需要做得准备) I think you need to speak English really well. Keep studying, and I hope you can get the job one day. 重难点词组 英语期末冲刺背诵单 M1 喜欢吃甜食 have a sweet tooth 收到某人的来信 hear from sb. 为...感到骄傲 be proud of 对...很激动 be excited about 害怕某事 be afraid of sth. 擅长于 be good at M2 编造 make up 不同于 be different from 到目前为止(现完) by now/so far/ till now M3 最新的the latest 获取信息get information 搜索信息search for information 到达arrive in/at 数以百计的hundreds of 交流communicate with M4 测量某人的体温take sb's temperature 参加 take part in 浑身到处all over 保持健康keep healthy M5 出版come out 结果 as a result 除了as well as sth. M6 弄得一团糟make a mess 与…作斗争fight against sb. 向上攀爬 climb up 超过 more than/ over 对...满意 be satisfied with 保护某人免受...伤害protect sb.against/from sth. 赢得某人的喜爱 win the heart of sb. 带领某人与...作斗争lead…against M7 持续last for 为…做准备prepare ... ...

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