
北师大版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Success Lesson 3 Getting to the Top课件(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:29次 大小:2340162Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Success Lesson3 Getting To the Top Period one Activate and share Who is he Why do so many fans like him Activate and share What did the athletes do to get to the top of the spots to push oneself to the limits to give up everything for the sport to live one’s life to extremes to be willing to do the extra little bit to be totally focused on the sport to strive for greatness Lesson3 Getting to the top Get the general idea by fast reading Work out the development of this blog Gain the details about author’s situation and reasons of getting to the top Use the statements in the text to express your own opinions and ideas Learning objectives 1. Who do you think the writer is Read and explore Task 1: Read the article quickly and answer the questions. 2. Is this article from an encyclopaedia entry,an academic book or possibly a blog 3 main parts Part 1 (para 1-4 ) Task 2: Divide the text into parts. Make a match Part 2 (para 5-6 ) Part 3 (para 7-8) A. Reasons for success B. Personal choice C. Her situation (sacrifices and fears) C. Her situation (sacrifices and fears) B. Personal choice A. Reasons for success Task 3:Find details by peruse reading (paragraghs1-4) Her situation 1.Things she has to give up ★ birthday parties ★ family holidays ★ 1. out ★ No longer become fun to 2. _____ with and she was in danger of being left with only a(n)3. _____and no one to share it with. 2.Her friends’opinion nights train world championship medal 3.Her reactions ★ She could have become angry or 4. _____. ★ Deep down she knew the words of her friend are right. defensive 4.Her fears ★ Who is she doing this for ★ How much is too much ★ Why is she doing this ★ How can she be so 5. _____ ★ What are the 6. _____ for selfish sacrifices Task 4:Answer questions by peruse reading (paragraghs5-8) What are the reasons why the writer was able to get to the top 1. Born with an enormous amount of drive and determination. (paragragh 5.) 2. The little extra thing she has done in her preparation. (paragragh 6.) 3.Totally commited to her sport. (paragragh 7.) Which statements do you think are true according to the article Why 1. The writer is a professional triathlete. 2. Her first sport was rugby. 3. At first,she was afraid to join the rugby club because it had 250 boys. 4. She missed many birthday parties,ruined family holidays and skipped nights out for the sport she devoted herself to. 5. What makes an Olympic champion stand out from other competitors is the special talent she or he has. 6. Although she knows that her way of life is unbalanced or unhealthy,she is determined to continue. Task 5:Review the full text and make judgment. T T T Think and share Activity1: “ I’d prefer to have three or four outstanding years of winning stuff than having ten years of being average.” What is your opinion on this sentence? Strive for greatness Do little extra things Totally committed Go to all lengt ... ...

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