
Unit5 our pets lesson4教案

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:98次 大小:1951410Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 课题 Unit 5 Our pets-Lesson4 主备人 授课人 教学目标、重难点、教具准备:教学目标:语言能力:通过本节课的学习能够熟练掌握并运用上节课所学的形容词:big, small, long, short, clean, dirty。通过本节课的学习学生能够知道形容事物可运用句型:“形容词+物体”。通过教授,学生能够学会本课时的歌曲,进一步练习名词和形容词。思维品质:能够学会本课时的歌曲,并且进一步练习名词和形容词。学习能力:学生能够知道形容事物还可运用句型:“形容词+物体”。学生能够学会本课时的歌曲,进一步练习名词和形容词。文化意识:本节课学完后学生能够用所学形容词形容自己的宠物,能够更加爱自己的宠物。教学重点及难点:重点:能够知道形容事物可运用句型:“形容词+物体”。能够学会本课时的歌曲,进一步练习名词和形容词。难点:学唱37页的歌曲教具准备:PPT,宠物单词卡片 教学过程:Step1 Preparation: (4 mins) ReviewT:“Hello, my boys and girls! Class begins! ”Ss:“Stand up! Hello, Miss Zhou.” T:“Sit down, please! Before our class, let’s review the words we’ve learned last time.”(PPT3-10)List more words.T: Who can tell me more about these words (让学生再列举几个与上述形容词有关的事物。)(PPT11)Step2 Presentation: (25mins)Listen and point.T: Boys and girls, open your Pupil’s Book at page 37. Listen. Point to the people and the pets.(播放录音,学生边听边指。)T: Let’s sing the song sentence by sentence.(再次一段一段地播放录音,让学生跟读,最后播放全部录音,让学生齐读。)(PPT12)Order the pictures T:Now let’s listen and order the pictures,OK Ss:OK! (PPT13)Sing the song.T:Now let’s sing the song together,are you ready (PPT14-19)Step3 Practice: (5 mins)Sing the song.T:Let’s watch and sing together.(播放视频,让学生跟唱。)(PPT20)Step4 Production: (5 mins) Do the actions.T: Listen and do the actions. (PPT21-22)Step5 Homework: (1 min)T: Class, look at the PPT, our homework is “ Sing the song to your parents and you’d better sing it with the actions”. OK,we have so much fun today, I spend a wonderful class with all of you. So happy! Don’t forget you homework. Class is over. Goodbye my boys and girls. See you next time.”Ss:“Goodbye, Miss He.”(PPT23) 修改补充: 学情反馈: 板书:Unit 5 Our petsMy name is_____,And this is my_____,It's a_____,It's a_____. 教后记:1.课堂评价具体内容自我评价情况说明很满意较满意不太满意课堂语言与组织目标达成重难点突破策略方法得当板书设计2.改进设想: 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com/" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)

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