
英语五年级上新路径Lesson 7 Welcome to My Home教案1

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:22次 大小:11631Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson7 Welcome to My Home 教学目标: 1、熟练掌握本课单词bed, room, bedroom, bookshelf … 要求发音准确,理解词义。21世纪教育网版权所有 2、熟练掌握句型“There is / are… in the bedroom.” 教学重难点: 1、注意单词的发音,要求通过自然拼读法记忆单词。 2、“There is / are … in the bedroom.”句型的用法。 教学过程: Stage 1 .Greetings. T:Good morning boys and girls. How are you today ? How’s the weather today ? Kids, look, what can you see in our classroom ?21cnjy.com I can see Blackboard, what can you see? S: desk, light, chair… T:Good, there are so many things in our classroom. Do you want to see what’s at my home?21教育网 S: Yes T: OK, today we will study “ lesson 7 Welcome to My Home ”. Stage2practice :bed, room, bedroom, bookshelf … Step1:初识单词。 1、教学bed. T : What’s this ? S1:Bed. T:It’s a bed. There is a bed . S: There is a bed. 2、教学TV. T: What’s this ? S3: TV T: It’s a TV. T: There is a TV. Do you like watching TV ? S: Yes , I do. T: Yeah , me too. 3、教学desk. T:What’s this ? S4: desk T: good job. S5 : There is a desk . 4、教学lamp. T:What’ this ? T:Have a try. S6: Lamp. T: Great. number3 , please. Number4, please. Together. S7: There is a lamp. T: together. 5、教学clock. T: What’s this ? S: Clock. T: You , please. S: Clock. S: There is a clock. 6、教学bookshelf T: What’s this ? S: bookshelf. T: Read after me. bookshelf S: bookshelf T: There is a bookshelf There are some books on the bookshelf. 7、 教学chair . T: What’s this ? S: it’s a chair There is a chair. 8、教学bedroom. T: Where can you see the things? S: Bedroom. T: very good. we can see the things in my bedroom. 9、There are so many things … ( in my bedroom.) 10、Read the sentences. there is begin… Step2:熟记单词 Step3: Listen and number. Step4: Play a game. Step5: Look and say . ( work in groups) 快速检测学生情况. Stage3: Write a composition. (展示学生作文)

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