
北师大版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 5 humans and nature Lesson 3 race to the pole 词汇复习课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:65次 大小:1238626Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 语言点复习 课程安排 词汇分类 词形变换 重点短语 重点语法 Classification(词汇分类) Please find out words about natural disasters Please find out words about natural phenomenon Please find out words about animals and plants Please find out words to describe the quality of a person, including nouns and adjectives Please find out words to describe feeling Please find out some important verbs Words about natural disasters Flood, drought, hurricane, landslide, volcanic eruption, aftershock, storm words about natural phenomenon Whirlpool, wave, tide, Words about animals and plants Deer, insect, whale, dolphin, shark, kangaroo, eagle, fox weed Words to describe personal quality Adj: curious, ambitious Noun: ambition, honesty, sincerity, bravery, originality Words to describe feeling Frightened, anxious, scared, cheerful Important verbs Comment, escape, survive, float, equal, rescue, trap, attempt, interrupt, damage, battle, conduct, breathe, suffer, measure, explore, prepare, ski, base, explore, prove, observe, shelter, originate, disappear, operate, protect, lose, flood, overuse, 词形变换 adj →n Volcanic Tidal Mysterious Curious equal → → → → → Volcano Tide Mystery Curiosity equality 词形变换 adj→n Cheerful Distant Polar → → → Cheer Distance Pole 词形变换 n→v Death Operation Protection Breath explore → → → → → Die Operate Protect Breathe exploration 词形变换 n→v Observation Interruption Eruption Survival Originality → → → → → Observe Interrupt Erupt Survive Originate 词形变换 n→adj Ambition Honesty Sincerity Bravery Courage → → → → → Ambitious Honest Sincere Brave Courageous 词形变换 n→adj Climate Ecology Wave Poetry Dust → → → → → Climatic Ecological Wavy Poetic Dusty 词形变换 adj→v Varied Scary Harmless → → → Vary Scare Harm 词形变换 adj→v Varied Scary Harmless → → → Vary Scare Harm Key phrases 在……的边缘 对……置之不理 突然 朝着……方向 某人想起 吸气 用完,耗尽 On the edge of Turn one’s back on sb All at once In the direction of Come to one’s mind Breathe in Run out of Key phrases 为……做准备 取得进步 停止运转,出故障 在某人去某地的路上 一路上;一直 曾经;一度 继续;开展 In preparation for Make progress Break down On one’s way to All the way At one time Carry on Key phrases 陷入;染上 快速地 相同的面积 学会,用车接,恢复,收听 抓紧 保护……免受 Get into At great speed Equal extent Pick up Hold on to Protect from

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