

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:42次 大小:616145Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) A small tree quickly grows into a big tree . In fact ,it is not easy for this . It needs time and efforts . So if you want to be a big tree ,you should first plan for your future English study . A Tip: The first class of English in Senior high school How to do The importance of learning English Part 1 : The most important thing of learning English Have a high mark in the College Entrance Examination (高考)。 Have a better future 英语的高考成绩将来会影响是否被好大学的录取 Characteristics of Senior English 高中英语特点及单元结构 Part 2 : Large vocabulary long sentence long passage 每单元的知识流程: 1.Listening and speaking 2. Reading and thinking 3.Discover the useful structure 4.Reading for writing 5.Assessment some advice for every student Part 3 : 一.培养学会几个习惯 1.Learn to use dictionaries and Internet 2.Learn to take notes. 3.Learn to listen to me in class 4. Learn to finish your homework by yourself 二.做到“两”习“四”多 Prepare your lessons well before every class.(预习) Review what you’ve learned in time.(复习) Read more and read different materials.(多读) Write as often as possible.(多写) Talk more either in class or out of class.(多说) Turn to your teachers for advice and help.(多问) 预习: 1、预习生词 上课前,要把对话或课文中的生词进行预习。 1)正音。 2)记单词的拼写形式。 3)借助参考书或词典来查阅其用法,并适当记录。 2、预习对话、课文 在预习好生词的基础上,同学们要预习对话或课文。1)要读对话或课文 2)要独立思考,逐句去理解,搞懂文章大意,若遇到不理解的词句,在书上作上记号,以待课上解决。 如何做笔记? 在书上做笔记: 不同颜色的笔在重点单词、短语及句子下划线 在笔记本上做笔记: 1.重点单词和短语 2.每单元的语法 The rules to obey in class Do hands up when you know sth or have something (举手;上课期间不许私自外出;) Listen to me and take notes. Don't chatting(课上认真听讲记笔记,禁止聊天) No sleeping, eating or drinking(课上禁止睡、吃、喝) Never miss or forget homework (作业要全数上交) No Phoning in class! (课上禁止玩手机) ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING 态度决定一切 Speaking My name is Richer. I like English, because English is a beautiful and useful language and I can use it to communicate with foreigners. I’m an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope you’ll like me and enjoy my class. Self-introduction 自我介绍 My name is... I like / enjoy… I’m a … I hope / want / think… Homework: 1. 用英语写一篇短文简要介绍自己及自己以前的英语学习方法。(100 words or so) 2.听懂、会说所学课堂用语。 3.准备好“三本”,即作业本、听写本,笔记本。 4. 预习第一单元单词。 ... ...

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