
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Grammar重点词汇课件(共33张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:44次 大小:3057499Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 必修三 Unit 4 Grammar Usage-Integrated skills 词汇 范围:penicillin-standout 1. penicillin/ pen s l n/ n. 青霉素,盘尼西林 2. *mould /m ld/ (AmE mold) n. 霉菌;模具;类型 vt. 浇铸;塑造 3. *bacteria /b k t ri / n. (sing. bacterium)细菌 单数:bacterium bacterial. adj. 细菌的 包围;环绕;围困: To some people, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends. Surrounded by the enemies, he was still struggling. 与……紧密相关: some issues surrounding alcohol abuse 4. surround vt sb/sth be surrounded by/with... 某人/某物被...围绕/包围(常省去be,在句中做状语或后置定语) 【词汇拓展】 surrounding adj [只用于名词前] 周围的 (nearby): the surrounding area surroundings n [用复数] 周围的事物;环境 (environment): My dream is to work in pleasant surroundings. in (towards 向、对着) + dic (to say 说) + -ate (动词后缀) → 对着人说 → 指示 5. indicate vt [正式用语] 指示;指出 to direct sb’s attention to sb / sth, especially by pointing: The arrow on a sign indicates the way to go. 表明;显示 (show) : The results indicated that something produced by the mould had killed the bacteria. The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime. 示意;暗示 to say or do sth to make your wishes, intentions etc. clear: In his letter, he indicated his willingness to cooperate. He smiles and nods, indicating that everything is fine. indication n [C] & [U] 迹象;表示;标示 基本义 课文 6. accident You never know which will come first, tomorrow or accident. 明天和意外,你永远不知道哪个先来。 accident n [C] 事故: avoid / meet / cause an accident He was killed in a car accident. Ken had an accident at work and had to go to hospital. [C] & [U] 偶然的事;意外的事 sth that happens unexpectedly and is not planned in advance: The discovery was a happy accident. 词源解读:ac- (to 朝向) + cid (to fall 落下) + -ent → 突然落向人身上的事 → 意外、事故 by accident 偶然地;意外地 反 on purpose: Yesterday when I was wandering on the pavement near a park, I met an old neighbour by accident (by chance). accidental adj 意外的;偶然的 accidentally adv 意外地;偶然地 (by accident (by chance)): I stepped on a young man’s foot accidentally. 2009 江西书面表达 accident, event 辨析 accident 多指偶然或意外发生的不幸的事情。 a traffic accident event 尤指历史上的重大事件,还可以表示国际、国内的大事以及体育比赛项目。 the chief events of 2021 7. intelligent / n tel d nt/ adj. 有才智的,聪明的;有智力的 一个聪明的女孩:an intelligent girl intelligence . n. 智力;智能[U] artificial intelligence 人工智能 (AI) : unintelligent. adj. 不聪明的 8. favour 翻译句子: 我遇到了一些麻烦。你能帮我个忙吗 I have some trouble. Could you help me 高级表达:do me a favour [C] 恩惠;善意行为: Can you do me a favour and tell Kelly I’m here Can I ask you a favour [U] 好感;喜爱: Of the two different books, the second one wins my favour. A mother must not show favour to one child more than another. 指具体行为 favour n 指情感 do sb a favour ... ...

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