
牛津译林版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 1 Lights, Camera, Action! Welcome to the unit and Reading教案

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:42次 大小:21952Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Book 2 Unit 1 Lights, camera, action! Welcome to the unit and Reading (一):学情分析: 本课时的主题语境是“人与社会”,话题是电影,涉及的语篇类型有电影海报,电影视屏,讲稿和配音秀。本课时的教学,旨在帮助学生了解电影制作的相关知识,感受光影世界的魅力,引导学生通过电影感悟人生真谛。Welcome板块以剪辑的一段视频来激发学生的对“电影”这一话题的探究欲。Reading板块介绍了与电影幕后制作有关的三个元素,启发学生关注银幕背后的故事。 语言知识 词汇知识 单词和短语 Comedy documentary fantasy horror romance fiction Science fiction actually brief amiliar dinosaur sheet envelop attach frequently studio enable aid prefer approach prop revise ensure award audience … 语篇知识 学习电影剧本的基本结构和特点 文化知识 1.了解中外重要电影艺术家及其成就,贡献等,学习人类文明的优秀成果。 2.发现并理解电影剧本中的文化元素。 语言技能 1.看电影片段及电影海报识别电影的类型。 2.就本单元话题“电影”与同伴交流。 3.观看经典电影片段,能从场景,镜头角度,道具,音效等非语言符号中获取信息。 4.为电影片段进行配音。 学习策略 学习阅读语篇中所运用的衔接方法,理解语篇的内在逻辑。 学生分析: 作为高一新生,他们对“电影”这一话题有着浓厚的学习兴趣。但是由于词汇量太小,所以在师生交流和学生与学生交流的过程中会出现障碍。作为老师及时鼓励加上引导就显得非常重要。 (二):Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: 1.Get the students to name and distinguish different film types 2. know basic knowledge about some aspects of film-making Ability aims 1.Develop the students’ speaking and reading ability and let them learn diferent reading skills. 2.Get the students’ collect the information from the Internet by themselves. Emotional aims: Get the students to evalute different aspects of a film and make comments on their favourite films Teaching emphasis anddifficulties: 1.Students master the new words,phrases and useful expressions. 2.Train the students’ reading ability to understand the content of the text detail. 3.Decelop thee students’ reading ability (三):Teaching precedures: Step 1: Welcome and lead-in Enjoy a piece of film edited by myself and name the films March of the penguins Harry Potter star wars Nazha Design purpose: Attract students’ attention to the class and arouse their interest in thinking about types of films and what a film is like. For example : Romance Cartoon Action Fantasy Documentary Science fiction Horror Comedy Musical War what Stanley Kubrick said about a film A film is—or should be—more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. Step 2.Pre-reading Many different elements go into making a film. 1.what elements of a film can you think of the sceenplay directing acting lighting music dubbing recording special effects editing setting and so on (2)Which element do you think is the most important in making a successful film In my view,the music is the most important element. Because it can tell us how the people in the film feel and create kind of atmosphere. So the film would be boring without music. Of course, different people have different opinions. Ste ... ...

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