
Unit 6 Dream Job Part A 教学设计

日期:2024-05-11 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:11次 大小:12778Byte 来源:二一课件通
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闽教版小学英语六年级下册 Unit 6 Dream Job Part A 教学目标 1. 语言知识目标: (1)学习单词:true, driver等。 (2)学习句型: A.: Do you want to be a… B: Yes, I do. A : What do you want to be B: I want to be a… (3)功能:谈论梦想的职业。 2. 语言技能目标: (1)能用所学语言表达自己或他人梦想的职业。 (2)能用所学语言简单描述某一职业的特点及工作性质。 3. 情感态度: 培养学生热心为他人服务的意识,同时树立远大的理想。 教学重难点 对What do you want to be Why 的正确回答与运用。 教具准备 1. Julia和Yang Ming的头饰。 2. Power Point 3. Cards 教学过程 Step 1. Warming up 1. Greeting. 2. Enjoy a song. 3.Read out the words of occupation in the song. T: When I was a girl, being a teacher was my object. And now I become a teacher. It can make me joyful and better. And that’s the “job” means. 4.Review some names of jobs. T: What is his/her job What are their job 5.教学生词driver, 短语 a taxi driver, a bus driver, 6. 揭示课题。 【设计意图】通过希沃白板中的课堂活动的调整赛,调动学生学习积极性。通过白板的放大镜工具,复习职业,让词汇复习更加直观高效。 Step 2. Review 1. Say some words about jobs: 通过放大镜功能,请全体学生复习已学的职业的单词,如:teacher, doctor, cook, farmer, police officer等。 2. Guess jobs: 教师通过描述职业特点,请生猜出所说的职业,如:He works in the kitchen. He can cook delicious food for people. (cook) He can take people to somewhere. (driver) 【设计意图】通过猜谜游戏,让学生读一读,丰富语言内容。 Step 3. Presentation 1. T: Everyone has his dream job. But what does Julia want to be Why 教师播放动画,请生观看并思考问题。 2. 出示导图,引导学生回答出:She wants to be a singer. 再次分别播放两个录音片段,请生通过听得出以上Why的答案: Because she is good at music. Singers often work on holidays. Singers can make people feel happy. 3. T: Singers often work on holidays. Do you know what jobs also work on holidays 请生思考,并表达出句子,如: Dancers often work on holidays. Police officers often work on holidays. Doctors often work on holidays. Nurses often work on holidays. 4. T: Singers can make people feel happy. And what jobs can make people feel happy, too 请生思考,并说出句子:Teachers can make people feel happy. Cooks can make people feel happy. 等。板书相应短语。 情感教育:They are so great. We should learn to say thanks to them. 5. T: What does Yang Ming want to be Why 播放录音,引导学生思考并说出答案:He wants to be a doctor. Because they can make people strong and healthy.教师板书相应短语。 6. Listen and follow, 教学true; 7. Role play; 8. 请生根据思维导图进行复述课文。 【设计意图】通过希沃白板中的课堂活动的填空题等练习,激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效率。通过白板中的思维导图复述课文,是文本内容更加清晰有条理。 Step 4. Extension 1. Pair work: 呈现出不同职业及其相应的描述,请生两两完成以下对话,并请个别学生上台展示: A. What do you want to be B: I want to be a… A. Why B: Because… 2.观看视频,让生说出视频主人公的梦想职业及理由. T: Now I want to introduce two friends to you. After watching the video, tell me their dream jobs. The boy wants to ... ...

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