
2024届英语备考(2021-2023)新高考英语真题分项汇编专题05 非谓语动词(解析版+原卷版)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:88次 大小:66588Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    专题05 非谓语动词 1.(2023年新高考I卷)To eat one, you have to decide whether _____(bite) a small hole in it first, releasing the stream and risking a spill (溢出), or to put the whole dumpling in your mouth, letting the hot soup explode on your tongue. 【答案】to bite 【详解】考查非谓语动词。与后面to put 并列,空格需填动词不定式.to bite。句意:吃小笼包的时候,你必须要决定是先咬一个小口流出汤汁还是把整个小笼包放进嘴里,让热汤在舌头上爆炸。 2.(2023年新高考I卷)Shanghai may be the _____(recognize) home of the soup dumplings but food historians will actually point you to the neighboring canal town of Nanxiang as Xiao long bao's birthplace. 【答案】recognized 【详解】考查非谓语动词。空格在名词home前面需用分词作定语,空格与被修饰词是逻辑上动宾关系,需填过去分词recognized作定语。recognized( 被公认的)。意思是上海是公认的汤包的故乡)。 3.(2023年新高考I卷)Nanxiang aside, the best Xiao long bao have a fine skin, allowing them _____ (lift) out of the steamer basket without tearing or spilling any of their contents. 【答案】to be lifted 【详解】考查非谓语动词。根据搭配allow sb to do sth.允许某人做某事,空格需用动词不定式作宾语补足语,补足语与宾语是逻辑上的动宾关系,空格需填动词不定式被动形式to be lifted。句意:最好的小笼包外皮很薄,从蒸笼中被取出来时不会撕裂或洒出任何东西。 4.(2023年新高考I卷)No matter where I buy them, one steamer is rarely enough, yet two seems greedy, so I am always left _____(want) more next time. 【答案】wanting 【详解】考查非谓语动词。这句话中已有谓语动词 am left,所以want这个动词应该为非谓语动词作结果状语,want与逻辑主语是I是主动关系,所以空格用现在分词wanting。句意:无论我在哪里买,一笼都不够,两笼又显得太贪心了,所以我总是想下次再买。 5.(2023年新高考II卷)They talk to the flood of international tourists and to _____ (visit) Chinese zookeepers who often come to check on the pandas, which are on loan from China. 【答案】visiting 【详解】考查分词形容词。句意:他们与蜂拥而至的国际游客和来访的中国动物园管理员交谈,这些管理员经常来检查从中国租借来的大熊猫。分析句子结构可知,空后是名词,所以空处应填形容词作定语;visit对应的形容词为visiting“来访的”。故填visiting。 6.(2023年浙江卷1月)In the Ming Dynasty, the center was the Forbidden City, (surround)in concentric(同心的)circles by the Inner City and Outer City. 【答案】surrounded 【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:在明朝,紫禁城是中心,它被由内层和外层构成的同心圆包围。分析句子结构,was是谓语动词,空格处需要填非谓语动词作后置定语,主语the Forbidden City和surround之间是动宾关系,需填过去分词形式。故填surrounded。 (2022年全国高考新高考I卷)The Chinese government recently finalized a plan to set up a Giant Panda National Park(GPNP). _____ (cover)an area about three times the size of Yellowstone National Park, the GPNP will be one of the first national parks in the country. 【答案】Covering 【详解】考查非谓语动词。设空处在句中以及有一谓语动词作非谓语“will be”,且无连词,动词cover需要用非谓语的形式。cover和句子的逻辑主语the GPNP为逻辑的主动关系,应用现在分词的形式作状语,首字母大写。本句句 ... ...

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