
Module 3 Heroes Unit 2There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own教案

日期:2024-05-10 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:97次 大小:15550Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 3 Heroes Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard 【学习目标】 1.知识目标: (1)能正确使用下列单词和词组: sick, soldier, treat, die for…,take care of, tool, at that time, useful, die of…,Canada, invention (2)能掌握有 so, so that和because引导的状语从句。 2.能力目标:能够读懂人物事迹的文章,掌握文章大意及细节,能运用文章的结构和写法来介绍心目中的英雄人物。 3.情感目标:通过学习白求恩大夫的生平事迹,让学生感受到白求恩舍己为人、无私奉献、忘我工作的精神,并在实际生活中努力践行这种精神。 【教学重点】掌握重点词汇、句型和语法,理解文章大意及结构 【教学难点】如何引导学生通过文章的学习来介绍英雄人物的生平事迹 【教学过程】 一、Warming-up 操作方式:让学生说出自己心目中的英雄,做简单介绍。 Free talk: A : Who is your hero B: My hero is…... A: Why B: Because he…… 设计意图:为引出本单元所要谈论的英雄白求恩做出铺垫。 二、While-reading I Skimming 略读 操作方式:初步阅读文章,给出6个句子排序,使学生总结出本语篇按时间顺序为线索。 Read the passage quickly and put the events in the correct order. a) Born in 1890 ( ) b) Developed training courses and wrote books ( ) c) Went to Spain in 1936 and treated the wounded soldiers. ( ) d) Invented medical tools to use outside hospitals ( ) e) In 1938, came to China ( ) f) Died ( ) II Scanning扫读 操作方式:快速移动眼睛,找出可能包含所需信息的部分,完成表格。 Read para2、3、4 and complete the following table. Bethune’ s lifetime when events in 1890 He _____. in 1916 He became _____. in 1936 He went to Spain to _____. He developed new ways of _____ and invented _____. in 1938 He came to _____during the Anti-Japanese War. He developed _____ and wrote books. in 1939 He _____ his wound. III Careful reading 操作方式:就重点的二、三、四段提出几个问题,让学生回答,进一步理解细节。 1) Please read para2 and finish the following questions. 1. Why did Dr Bethune go to Spain in 1936 2. What did he do during the war there 2) Please read para3 and finish the following questions. 1. What did he do in China 2. Why did he write books 3) Please read para4 and finish the question How did Norman Bethune die 根据阅读规律,由浅入深,由粗到细,环环相扣。 Retell the fact box 操作方式:让学生依据所学内容,运用所学句式,复述白求恩的一生。 Bethune’ s lifetime when events in 1890 be born in 1916 become a doctor in 1936 go to Spain , treat the wounded soldiers, invent special medical tools in 1938 come to China, help treat the wounded, write books, work hard without resting in 1939 die of his wound You can begin like this: Bethune is one of the most famous heroes in China. In 1890, he … in 1916, he… in 1936, he… and then, he……so that…… In the end, he …… 设计意图:使学生了解如何描述白求恩,完成由知识的输入到知识的输出,提高学生的写作能力。 四、 Discussion (work in groups) 操作方式:小组内交流讨论,从白求恩身上学到了什么?我们平时该怎么做? 1 What have we learned from Norman Bethune (You can use the sentences or the words here) work hard selfless (无私的) brave warm-hearted strong will …… 2 Look at the picture ... ...

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