
福建省连江华侨中学高中英语必修三课件:Unit 4 Astronomy-Reading

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:83次 大小:1964597Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件24张PPT。Welcome To Our Classwelcome to our English classWho are our ancestors? Pre-reading In our world there are many religions or culture has its own ideas about the beginning of the universe. What do you know about it? zxxk The beginning of the lifePangu separated Nvwa created God created the sky humans the world 盘古开天女娲造人上帝创世论Unit4 How Life Began on the EarthReadingwaterPlants in the waterShellfish and fishInsects and amphibiansReptilesDinosaursMammalsPlants on landReading for the main idea Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: Paragraph 5a. The importance of water for life b. The development of plants and animals on the earth c. A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe d. The formation (形成) of the earth e. The arrival of humans and their impact (影响) on the earth Paragraph 1:skimmingWe can divide the passage into two parts: Part 1(Para 1—3), Part 2(Para 4—5)Put the sentences in the right order ( ) The earth was a cloud of dust and after very long time it became a solid globe. ( ) The universe began with a Big Bang ( ) The earth became violent and exploded loudly. ( ) Water appeared. ( ) The earth's atmosphere came into being.21354scanning1. Amphibians can only live on land. 2. Mammals appeared before the development of dinosaurs. 3. Nitrogen encouraged the development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. 4.Reptiles and dinosaurs produce their young by laying eggs while mammals give birth to young babies and feed milk to them. FTFFListen to Part 2 I. True (T) or False (F)._____as well as in the water_____after the disappearanceoxygen_____ appeared and spread all over the earth. Zx.xk Answer :What life developed after mammals? FinallySmall clever animals.1.Why was the earth different from other planets? A. It produced a lot of heat. B. The water remained. C. Water disappeared. D. It was the oldest planet. Choose the best answers2.Why was it necessary for plants to grow before animals?A Animals needed plants to protect them from the sun. B Plants provided oxygen for animals to breathe. C Animals could hide from hunters in forest. D It was easier for plants to grow.3.What does “small clever animals” refer to ?A Insects B Reptiles. C Dinosaurs D Humans4. From the last paragraph we can infer that the author is _____ about the future of earth and life.confident B. sad C. concerned D. angrySummary Do you know how the earth began?According to a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a“Big Bang”. For several (1)b_____years after the“Big Bang”,the earth was still just a cloud of dust. What it was to become was a mystery (2)_____the dust settled into a solid globe. However , (3) _____the solid globe would keep its shape was not clear because it didn‘t stop exploding. Carbon, nitrogen,water vapour and other gases were (4)_____(产生)during the explosions. As the earth cooled down, water began to appear on(5)___surface. Many scientists believed it was water that allowed the earth to dissolv ... ...

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