
Unit 5 What does he do? PA Let's talk 课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:36次 大小:11095107Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 What does he do (Period 1) Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk Let's sing teacher taxi driver farmer doctor bus driver basketball player nurse football player job (职业) Let's say —What does your father/mother do —He/She is … Free talk Parents’ Day 家长开放日 Today is Parents’ Day. Who will come Let's predict 1. Sarah’s mother can/can’t come today. 2. Her father is a doctor/teacher/taxi driver. Listen and circle Who is he What about Oliver’s family He is Oliver. Look and say 1. Is Oliver’s father here today 2. What does Oliver’s father do 3. What does Oliver’s mother do Watch and answer 1. Is Oliver’s father here today No. He is in Australia. He often goes to other countries. 复数 country 单数 Let's check 2. What does Oliver’s father do He is a businessman. 3. What does Oliver’s mother do She’s a head teacher. Does Oliver want to be a head teacher, too No. He wants to be a businessman. 1. Why does Oliver want to be a businessman 2. What do you want to be Why Maybe, he … I want to be a/an … Because I like/… Think and say Is your father here today No. He’s in Australia. What does he do He’s a businessman. He often goes to other countries. Listen and imitate And what does your mother do She’s a head teacher. That’s nice. Yeah. She’ll be here today! Do you want to be a head teacher, too No, I want to be a businessman. Role-play taxi driver writer dancer singer cleaner football player Read and match A: What does your father/mother do B: He/She is a/an … taxi driver cleaner writer dancer singer football player Pair work A: My father is a/an _____. B: Cool. What does your mother do A: She is a/an _____. B: That’s nice. I’m going to be a/an _____. Do you want to be a/an _____ A: Yes, I do. / No. I want to be a/an _____. driver singer writer dancer football player postman businessman head teacher Word bank Make a new dialogue We will have the Parents’ Day next week. Do a survey Let’s do a survey and make a report. Parents’ information Who Job Hobby Come or not Questions: 1. What does your ____ do 2. What are his/her hobbies 3. Is he/she busy 4. Can he/she come _____’s father is a _____. He likes _____. He is/isn’t busy. He can/can’t come. His/Her mother is a _____. She likes _____. She is/isn’t busy. She can/can’t come. Make a report 谈论家人的职业: —What does your + 称谓 + do —称谓 + be动词 + a/an + 职业名称. —What does your father do —He’s a businessman. 询问对方将来想要从事的职业: —Do you want to be a/an + 职业名称 —Yes, I do. / No, I want to be a/an + 职业名称. —Do you want to be a head teacher —No, I want to be a businessman. Listen to the dialogue for 3 times and try to recite. (听读课文三遍并尝试背诵。) Write about your parents’ jobs and your dream career. (写一写你父母的职业和你的梦想职业。)

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