

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:59次 大小:465242Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年九年级暑期话题阅读:工作与职业 (共6题) 一、阅读理解题(共6题) Like a lot of young people. Joanna Rakoff took the first job she was offered. She decided to work at one of New York's oldest literary agencies. Yet she had no idea that it would be the first stepping stone on the way to becoming a writer, and later, the novelist she is today. In the face of the ups and downs, she gave it her all. She can still remember that her boss was very challenging. "The thing that worked when my boss was being difficult was remembering it wasn't personal. Usually, it's not about you, it's them," she advises anyone in a similar situation. Being a manager and editor herself later in her career also helped to understand what happened years before. "It's really hard managing a lot of people. I had a lot more sympathy for my former boss after that. You don't know everything that’s going on with them, and remember: they're a person, too," she says. After only a year, Rakoff realized she was not "an agency person" as her manager had believed, but the seed had been planted. She left with dreams of becoming a writer and a real understanding of the world of glossy (亮丽光鲜的) magazines. Rakoff rose from writing magazine articles to features editor, and later editor-in-chief. Dreams of one day writing fiction remained. "Writing pieces for magazines really helped me to become an author. It helped make writing less scary. When you write regularly and have deadlines, it really teaches you that sometimes you have to sit down and just do it," she says. With all the pressure on young people these days, it is important to remember you don't have to be in the perfect job right away. What's more, you don't need to know what you want to be or do for a career as soon as you finish high school or college. Rakoff explains how many of her very successful friends found different paths toward becoming fiction writers. There is nothing wrong with having a job to keep you busy and pay the bills while you figure out your passions, she says. (1) What did Joanna Rakoff do when she was offered the first job A.She gave it up to seek for some better opportunities. B.She left it at once because the boss was too demanding. C.She agreed to work for the old literacy agency in New York. D.She accepted it believing it would lead to her future success (2) How could Rakoff understand her boss in the literary agency A.She thought her boss was under great pressure. B.She believed her boss expected her to work better. C.She knew her colleagues were doing well enough. D.She became a manager and editor herself later on. (3) Rakoff left the literary agency with the dream of ____. A.working as a manager B.writing for magazines C.becoming a fiction writer D.being an agency person (4) Which is the best word to describe Joanna Rakoff A.humorous B.hardworking C.strict D.friendly (5) What can we learn from Rakoff's experience A.The grass is always greener on the other side. B.Keep on wha ... ...

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