

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:60次 大小:1060365Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 重难点预习自检卷-小学英语六年级上册北师大版(三起) 一、单选题 1.There___ many sheep on the farm last year. ( ) A.is B.were C.was 2.—What did you do yesterday ( ) —We a kite. A.fly B.flies C.flew D.flown 3.Where _____ Uncle Sun yesterday ( ) A.was B.were C.did 4.Mr Jones _____ in the museum twenty years ago. ( ) A.work B.works C.worked D.working 二、补全句子 5.David is feeling terrible. His mother takes him to the doctor. —W is the matter —I have a headache. 6.I r a horse the day before yesterday. 7.There (be) not any meat in the fridge yesterday. 8.My mother (递) me a banana and I ate it slowly. 9.—What did you do last night —I a some cotton candy. 三、选词/短语填空 10.选择合适的词填空。 doesn't chores make feed will going wash set homework trash Jack has to do some _____ at home this week, because his mom is _____ on a trip to Beijing. Every morning he has to _____his bed but he _____ have to make dinner. He doesn't have to take out the _____, because his father _____ do that. In the evening, Jack has to _____ the table and then _____ the dishes. He doesn't have to _____ his fish but he has to do his _____! 四、句子匹配 11.短语配对。 ( )(1). ride a bike. A.去游泳 ( )(2). go swimming. B.和我的朋友一起玩 ( )(3). play with my friends. C. 读书 ( )(4). read my books. D.放风筝 ( )(5). fly a kite. E. 帮助妈妈 ( )(6). play table tennis. F. 拜访我的祖母 ( )(7). row a boat. G. 划船 ( )(8). help my mother H. 打乒乓球 ( )(9). visit my grandma I. 骑自行车 ( )(10). do my homework J. 做我的家庭作业 五、排序题 12.把下列句子按照正确的顺序排列。 ( ) Hello, Mike. ( ) Hi, Jim. ( ) Where did you go ( ) You didn’t go to school yesterday. ( ) I’m sorry to hear that. ( ) Oh, I was ill yesterday. 六、连词成句 13.you what night did do last ( ) _____ _____ 14.did, where, last, you, go, winter ( ) _____ _____ 15.do, what, you, did, last night ( ) _____ _____ 16.the matter, what, is ( ) _____ _____ 七、选内容补全对话/短文 17.根据所给的语境和首字母的提示,补充完整下面的对话。 Nina: Can you d_____sports with me this weekend, Andy Andy: Sorry, I can't. Nina: W_____will you do this weekend Andy: I don’t know. My mom a_____ comes home from work so tired. I w_____to help her around the house. What chores can I do around the house for my mom Nana: Try this... make a list of (一列表) the chores your mom has to do when she comes home from work. Andy: OK. She has to m_____the bed. I will do it. She has to cook. I c_____cook, but I will help her by washing the vegetables. She has to d_____the dishes. She has to c_____the floor, dust the furniture and w_____the dog. I can do all of them. Nana: You d_____have to do all of the chores. You may help your mom by keeping your bedroom clean and tidy. Andy: I see. 八、阅读选择 读短文,根据短文内容,选择填空。 Last night, Mr Li came back very early. He wanted to stay with his sons. At dinner time, Mr Li told them interesting stories. They laughed and laughed. Mr Li ... ...

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