
译林版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Understanding Each Other Extended Reading 课件(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:64次 大小:5385872Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修四Unit 2 Understanding Each Other Extended Reading Pre-reading A borrowed word is one that originated in another language, but now is used in Chinese. What is a borrowed word Brainstorm 肯德基(kentackey) 可口可乐(CokaCola) 汉堡(ham-burger) 克隆(clome) 黑客(hacker) 拷贝:英语COPY的音译,复制 布丁:英语PUDDING的音译,西餐中的一种甜点心。 芭蕾 Ballette English Words That Come From Mandarin Or Cantonese While reading Look through the article quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph. Borrowed words can be found in almost all languages. The tendency to borrow words has never gone out of style. The pessimistic attitude about word borrowing. The process of word borrowing. How word borrowing happens The optimistic attitude about word borrowing. Read carefully and answer questions. Para 1 To present his topic in a vivid way and draw listeners’ attention. What is the key sentence in this paragraph “English is not alone in borrowing words from other languages — borrowed words can be found in almost all languages.” Why does the author take the example of “tofu” Read carefully and answer questions. Para 2 When does word borrowing occur What makes word borrowing happen at a faster pace Read carefully and answer questions. Para 3 What is the key sentence in this paragraph 虽然借词已变得更快,但是过程仍然复杂,新词需要一段时间才能融入日常用语中。 integrate v. “(使)合并,成为一体” integrate A into / with B Read carefully and answer questions. Para 3 What is the process of borrowing words At first Then Over time The borrowed word is only used by bilingual speakers. It spreads to people who do not know the original language, and they will change the pronunciation to fit the way they speak, almost unknowingly. the sounds that are difficult to pronounce have been replaced with more … native language. Read carefully and answer questions. Para 4 What is the key sentence in this paragraph 法国人专门有一个创造新词的官方组织,以避免外来词。 Read carefully and answer questions. Para 4 Against The French specifically have an official organization that creates new words in order to avoid borrowed words. Some languages have an extremely small number of speakers, such as the Native American Navajo language, used only by the members of the tribe. Under this circumstance, it becomes a matter of survival for the native language to reject outside influences. There are countries that make interventions to keep their native language pure in order to defend their identity. Read carefully and answer questions. Para 5 What is the key sentence in this paragraph Read carefully and answer questions. Para 5 Why do these communities welcome borrowed words 尽管有些群体对语言之间的互借感到悲观,但是也有其他群体对外来词持欣然欢迎的态度。 be pessimistic / optimistic about 对……悲观/乐观的 Read carefully and answer questions. Para 6 What does the author indicate by quoting ... ...

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