
外研版(三起) 小学英语小升考前模拟卷 含答案解析 A(含答案)

日期:2024-06-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:69次 大小:149440Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研版(三起) 小学英语小升考前模拟卷 含答案解析 A 一、单选题 1.He works at _____ school. ( ) A.any B.the C./ 2.你想知道前天爸爸做了什么,可以问他:_____( ) A.What did she do yesterday B.What did you do yesterday C.What did you do the day before yesterday 3.I want _____a gift _____my mother. A.buy to B.to buy for C.to by for 4.My mother worked _____ the fields. ( ) A.in B.on C.at 5.At that time you _____volleyball. (  ) A.is playing B.played C.were playing D.will play 6.选不同类的单词:( ) A.school B.library C.ask 7.I _____ cleaned your room. A.have B.has C.had 8.Linging's father _____ want a hot dog. ( ) A.don't B.doesn't C.isn't 9.Listen! The boy _____ singing. ( ) A.is B.am C.are 10.—_____ do Mr Li and Mrs Li do after breakfast ( ) —They go to the park. A.What B.When C.Where 二、语音选择题 选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的选项。 11.( )A.when B.whose C.what 12.( )A.we B.wait C.write 13.( )A.who B.whom C.where 14.( )A.wrote B.west C.wrong 15.( )A.wheel B.white C.whole 三、情景选择 16.—_____ ( ) —He’s having an English class. A.What is he doing B.What is he do C.What does he do 17.My father sings very _____. ( ) A.good B.well C.much 18.在图书馆里,你想请对方保持安静,你应该说:( ) A.Please be quiet. B.Please stand in line. C.Please come here. 19.Daming _____ returned from America.( ) A.have B.has C.does 20.老师问上海在哪里,你可以回答:( ) A.It's in the west of China. B.It's in the north of China. C.It's in the east of China. 四、补全句子 21.I want to buy a pair of shoes. Let's go to the shoe _____ (商店). 22.As a wonderful volleyball p_____, Zhu Ting is known to people all over the world. 23.For dinner, he likes _____ (汉堡包) and chicken. 24.The old l_____ is my grandma. 25.My brother b_____ back a present from Beijing for me. 五、词汇分类 A.swim B.angry C. made D.station E. sing F. zoo G. took H. lovely I. interested J. had K. supermarket L. carry 26.park _____ 27.happy _____ 28.dance _____ 29.went _____ 六、句子匹配 给下面的问句选择合适的答语。 A.Yes, there are. B.No problem. C. Yes. D.No, I don’t. E. No, you can’t. 30.Can you cross the road when the light is red ( ) 31.Are there many librarians in the library ( ) 32.You can help me. ( ) 33.Turn right ( ) 34.Do you go to school on foot ( ) 七、选内容补全对话/短文 A: 35 B: She is my friend, Mary. A: 36 B: She is from China. A: 37 B: Yes, she is. She does miss China and her parents. A: 38 B: Great. There are many Chinese shops. A: Yes, sometimes there is Chinese dancing. B: 39 A: OK. I think she will like it. A.Let’s go to Chinatown. B.Who is she C.Let’s ask Mary to go with us. D.Is she sending an email E.Where is she from 八、阅读选择 Hi, I’m Mike. Four years ago, I lived in a village. I lived in an old and small house. There was a river near my house. There were lots of animals in the village. But there weren’t any tall buildings or cars. Now I live in a city. There are many ... ...

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