
外研版初中七年级下册Module 2 Unit2 I can really run fast教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:16次 大小:24064Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module2 What can you do Unit2 I can really run fast 【课前朗读】 monitor start get on well with sb. ready ready to do sth. Promise fast fit just ball game team best score tidy sure everybody just like beautiful 【学习目标】(心中有目标,你就会走向成功!) 知识目标:正确地说读写出本单元的单词和短语。 能力目标: 1)能够读懂竞选班委的阅读材料 2)能够表达自己的优点并且撰写竞选班委的演讲稿。 情感目标: 肯定自我,增强自信心以及主人翁的意识,积极为班级服务的精神。(我行,我能行,我一定行!) 【学习重难点】能够表达自己的优点并撰写竞选班委的演讲稿。 【学习过程】 Step I . Pre-reading(读前) 1. Check the new words and expressions. 2. 通过“Guessing Games”练习对话。 A: What can you do B: I can …. Can you … A: Yes, I can .. , and I can …. / No, I can’t …, but I can ….. 3. Look at the picture and make future predictions.(看图片并作出预测,导入本课话题) StepII. While- reading 1) Fast-reading Which monitor would Lingling like to be What about Daming and Tony Lingling Daming Tony 2) Careful reading Read the Para.2 and answer the questions. 1. Does Lingling get on well with everyone 2. Can Lingling help teachers 3. What does Lingling promise to do 4.Why can Lingling run for(竞选) the class monitor Read the Para.3 and check the sentences. (T/F) 1.Daming is good at sport so he wants to be the PE monitor. ( ) 2. Daming does well in most ball games. ( ) 3. Daming plays football for the school. ( ) 4. Daming can’t run really fast. ( ) 5. Daming promises to get the best score for his class. ( ). Why can Daming run for the PE monitor _____ Read the Para.4 and fill in the blanks. Tony often _____his mother _____at home. His house is _____ and _____. If (如果) he is the _____ monitor, he will make his classroom _____ just like _____. Why can Tony run for the cleaning monitor StepIII 读后写 Read the whole passage and retell it. I _____everyone. I work very ____,and I _____school. I’m ____and I’m always _____. _____as your class monitor and I_____. I’m really ___and _____.I’m really good ___ football, and I play basketball _____ I usually _____ in every match. I often help my mother _____ at home and I like a clean and ____house. Choose me and we can _____ StepIV. Writing Run for the monitor Possible words and expressions: get on well with, work hard, do well, kind, be ready to do sth. help others, be friendly to sb. be good at 1.Discuss with your group 2.Write it on your paper( think it over ,the more the better.) StepV Homework: 以“Choose me as the_____ monitor ” 为题,写一篇作文。 1、介绍自己在某方面的强项。 2、承诺对同学们的服务。 3、希望同学们选自己。

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