
外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Laugh out Loud! Understanding ideas教案(表格式)

日期:2024-05-20 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:31次 大小:21025Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Laugh out loud 一、教学材料 授课年级: 高二 教材: 外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Laugh out loud 主题: 人与自我、人与社会 课型: 读写课 二、教学内容分析 课文主题语境为人与自我,以第一人称视角讲述作者如何与小丑医生结缘的故事。文本使用现在时简要介绍小丑医生的职责及意义,用过去时讲述为何作者选择这个职业。可以引发学生对未来人生规划的思考,学会欣赏不同的职业特征,进而培养学生正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。 三、学情分析 教者所教为高二学生。 四、教学目标 Learn to understand some words related to clown doctor in the context. Appreciate working as a clown doctor as presented in the text and make right judgment by comparison. Make use of textual information (titles, illustrations, connecting words, etc) to predict and understand a text. Learn how to write a recruitment notice. 五、教学重点、难点 重点:引导学生学会阅读的基本方法,获取关键信息,用于写作。 难点:学会从读过渡到写。 五、教学过程 Stage Activity Activity aims Activity description I. Before reading A1. Prediction A2. Skimming A1. Lead students to use title and illustration to predict what the text is about. A2. Lead students to skim for general idea. Make a prediction Skim briefly the first two sentences in the first two paragraph to identify the genre(体裁) of the text. II. While reading A3. Read and think A3. Direct students to read with questions What is the clown doing Why is he doing this How does feel about it III. Further reading A5. Think twice on what has been read A6. Further thinking A7. Reflection A5. Test whether students understand the text A6. Encourage students to compare and contrast clown doctors, to train their critical thinking ability A7. To relate students to the text Which patient is in need of the clown doctors attention and why What are the responsibilities of a clown doctor How does the clown doctor help the patient Does it work What does this clown doctor wear and what is his working environment like What are the differences and similarities between clown doctors and medical doctors What is your understanding of “laughter is the best medicine“ Do you agree with it Why IV. Learning to write A8. Structure preparation A9. Language preparation A10. Appreciation A8. To inspire students to find the key elements in a recruitment notice A9. To prepare students necessary sentence patterns A10. Learn to appreciate a model writing of recruitment notice If you were the person responsible for recruiting clown doctors, what would you include in you advertisement How could you reword the responsibilities description of the clown doctor so that you can use them in writing a notice Appreciate the version written by the teacher and try to understand how he achieves the purpose of the notice. IV. Self-evaluation A11. Ask students to reflect on what has been taught. A11. To consolidate and test what has been learned. Reflection V. Assignment A12. Give the assignment A12. To make assignment arrangement Assignment ... ...

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