
外研版七年级下册Module 2 Unit 1 I can play the piano. 教学设计

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:58次 大小:36352Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《 Unit1 I can play the piano》教学设计 一、课题: 《Module 2 What can you do Unit 1 I can play the piano 》是外研版七年级英语学科下册的内容。 二、教材分析:模块“询问和谈论彼此能力”这一话题迎合了学生们希望进一步了解和彰显个性的心理需求,学习内容和学生们的生活可谓息息相关,每个学生都会关心并乐于参与讨论这一话题。本模块第一单元对话内容是谈论并选择自己喜欢的社团或俱乐部,由此导出目标语言“I can --””Can you –“ 等。对话通过几个好朋友根据自己的能力和爱好谈论要参加那个社团这样一个自然的语境,呈现出了本模块的语法项目:“can”的肯定句,否定句和疑问句形式。 三、学情分析:初一下学期的学生们彼此虽然比较熟悉,但是还不一定了解得很深入。本模块“询问和谈论彼此能力”这一话题很好地迎合了此时此刻学生们希望进一步了解和彰显个性的心理需求,学习内容和学生们的生活可谓息息相关,每个学生都会关心并乐于参与讨论这一话题。 四、教学目标: 语言知识目标 95%学生能正确读出词汇play, tennis, piano, ride, club, term, board, would like, well, all, that’s all, worry, worry about, teach, then, 90%学生能正确英汉互译; 95%学生能听懂并说出句型: What can you do I can …/ Can you … / Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 100%学生正确can的强弱读和否定的读音和/ i:/ / i/ / e/的读音 技能目标 1. 90%学生能听懂有关描述能力的简短对话; 2. 85%学生能理解并朗读对话; 学习策略目标 自学策略:能根据自己的喜好和特长确定自己的发展目标 合作学习策略:能通过交流彼此的特长与爱好培养团队意识 情感与态度目标 帮助学生认识并肯定自己的能力,增强自信心 文化意识 无 五、 教学重点:寻找丢失物品;掌握词汇和句型。 六、教学难点:能写失物招领启事或寻物启事 七、教学准备:OHP,E-pen,pictures 及身边实物 八、教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up(T:I can speak English.My son can swim.He can play the piano too. What can you do 1. Show some pictures and say what they are. 2. Read the words after the teacher. 3. Introduce the new words. 4. Ask the students to read through the words and expressions in Activity 1. 5. Look at the pictures carefully. 6. Match the words and expressions from the box with the pictures. 7. Check their answer with a partner. 8. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer. Keys: 1. dance 2. play the piano 3. speak Chinese 4. cook 5. sing 6. ride a bike 7. play table tennis 【设计意图】 为活动3听力材料提供词汇准备. Step 2 Listening practice 1. Ask the students to pictures in Activity 2. 2. Listen and check (√) the things in Activity 1 which Tony’s dad can do. 3. Play the recording again, then they can check their answer with a partner. 4. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer. 【设计意图】 巩固活动1词汇,并帮助学生把活动1中词汇建立音与意的联系。为听力材料活动3 提供语境准备 Step 3 Listen and read. (Q: listen and two questions 1.What are they talking about 2.What isn’t Tony good at ) 1. Ask the students to read the conversation silently. 2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation. 3. Read the conversation. 4. Act it out. 5. Ask the students to check (√) the clubs they want to join. 6. Ask the students to check with a partner. 7. Play th ... ...

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