
牛津译林版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Looking Good, Feeling Good 单词课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:2752421Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) B1 U4 Word List pass out 昏迷,失去知觉 pass away 去世(委婉说法) pass by 经过 pass down 流传(常用被动) pass sth on to sb 把某物传给某人 这个伟大的政治家在这次爆炸中昏迷了。 The great statesman passed out due to this explosion. politician n 政客(贬义) statesman 政治家(褒义) rush v 快速运输 v 冲,奔 他冲进我办公室,说报告不见了。 He rushed into my office, (say)the report was lost. v 匆忙行事 in a rush 急忙,匆忙 there is no rush 不用着急 rush sb/sth to sp 迅速送某人/某物到某处 loss n 失去 lose v 失去,丢失 saying immediately adv 立刻,马上 conj 一...就 adj immediate 立刻的 immediately + 从句,一....就 立刻,马上 Tom一到家就给我道歉。 Tom apologized to me immediately he arrived home. at once right now/away concentrate v集中(注意力、思想等) 专注于(做)某事 集中某人注意力于 注意,重视 pay attention to n concentration 专心,专注 concentrated adj 集中的,全神贯注的;浓缩的 他坐在那里专心读书。 He sat there, with his attention (concentrate) on his book. concentrate/focus one's attention on concentrate on (doing)sth concentrated extreme adj 极端的,严重的 n 极端不同的感情(或境况、行为等) adv 在极大的压力下 极端的条件 走极端 go to extremes 他的冷漠让我们非常尴尬。 His indifference made us extremely awkward. extremely 极其 under extreme pressure extreme conditions concerned adj 担心的;关注的 concerned 作前置定语,意为“担心的”,作后置定语,意为”有关的”。 concerned parents the people concerned be concerned about/for 担心/关心..... with 与...有关 在我看来,教育工作者应该关心与儿童成长有关的问题。 As far as I am concerned, educators should be concerned about the problems that are concerned with the growth of the children. 忧心忡忡的家长 有关的人 effect n 效果,作用 因果 .... 对...有影响 come into effect 开始实施,生效 take effect 影响 v affect adj 有效的 effective adv 有效地 effectively 经过一番努力,这项政策下月开始实施。 Through hard struggle, this policy comes to effect next month. cause and effect have an effect on 见效 struggle n 挣扎,努力 v 努力 struggle to do 努力做某事 for 为...而奋斗 against 与...斗争 prove linking verb 证明是,被发现是 prove to be + adj/n 证明是....,结果是 v 证明,证实 prove sth to sb 向某人证明某事 it has been proved that..... 经证实..... 她后来被发现是最适合做这项工作的人。 She proved to be the most suitable person for the job. It has been proved that this data is reliable. diet n 日常饮食,节食 v 节食 均衡的饮食 be on a diet 在节食(表状态) go on a diet 开始节食(表动作) a balanced diet function v 起作用,正常工作 n 功能,作用 运转良好/正常 function as.... 起...作用 第二次世界大战期间,许多地铁站成了避难所。 During the second world, many underground stations functioned as shelter. functional adj 实用的,功能的 这个专家的提议非常实用。 The proposal from the expert is functional. function well/normally take in 摄入,吸收,欺骗,留宿 apart down take on over up off 拆开 写下,记下 呈现,雇用 接管 拿起,占据 脱下,起飞 frightened adj 害怕的,受惊 ... ...

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