
Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog please 课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:57次 大小:9071310Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module1 Unit1 I want a hot dog,please. What do you want Is hot dog a real dog No, it isn't. Look, listen and answer hot dog hot dog Watch and answer: What does Daming want? 2. What does Daming's dad want? Watch and answer: What does Daming want? 2. What does Daming's dad want? He wants a hot dog . He wants a hamburger . Look,guess and answer Where (在哪儿) are they Who (谁) are they They are at a restaurant (餐厅) . Simon,Simon's father and a waiter. (服务员) Who is he cashier 收银员 cashier Where are they They are at a fast food restaurant (快餐厅) . What are they doing They are ordering food (点餐) . Look,guess and answer What's happening (发生什么了 ) Daming isn't careful (仔细) , Simon's trousers get dirty. (弄脏了) Look,guess and answer What do they want to eat and drink Daming want s to eat_____. Listen ,underline your answer Simon's dad want s _____. Simon want s _____. And they want to drink _____. Food Hot Dog $2.00 Hamburger $3.75 Cola $1.25 Chips $1.75 Pizza $8.00 What does Daming want to eat He want s _____. a hot dog Listen and answer Food Hot Dog $2.00 Hamburger $3.75 Cola $1.25 Chips $1.75 Pizza $8.00 What does Simon’s dad want to eat He want s _____. a hamburger, too Listen and answer Food Hot Dog $2.00 Hamburger $3.75 Cola $1.25 Chips $1.75 Pizza $8.00 What does Daming want to eat He want s _____. a hot dog Listen and answer Food Hot Dog $2.00 Hamburger $3.75 Cola $1.25 Chips $1.75 Pizza $8.00 What do they want to drink They want s _____. colas Listen and answer Do they have soup No, they don't. soup 汤 How much is the food and drink It's _____dollars and _____cents. = $13.25 thirteen twenty-five Listen, repeat and answer 美元 dollar 美分 cent 1 dollar = 100 cent s 祝您用餐愉快! Enjoy your meal! 它看起来很不错 真的 Let's learn the text. 一般用于买东西时, 服务员说的第一句话。 意为“我可以帮助你吗?” 以示礼貌 表示某个物品是 “给我的”。 多少钱? 用于问价格。 用于回答价格。 大于一美元和一美分的 要在后面加s。 请享用你的饭菜吧! Summary 单词: cola ,dollar,cashier, cent, careful,enjoy, be careful,look. 句型: What do you want I want... Homework 抄写新单词,五英一汉并背会。 预习课文第二部分。 Thank you!

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