
《学英语·同步听读说》Unit 6 Look at my toys Part A【陕旅版(三起)】三上(pdf版,含听力原文及答案)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:50次 大小:2735834Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    学码·同少X续现三年级上‘sL) Unit 6 Look at My Toys! 扫一扫,听录音 听力学习目标:能听懂关于介绍玩具和描述事物的单词、短语、句子、对话。掌握如t, toy,plane,.ship,kite,car,bal,bike,they,these,those等单词的意思。 朗读学习目标:能熟练朗读关于介绍玩具和描述事物的句子、对话。 口语学习目标:熟练运用句型Do you have.. Yes,Ido.No,Idon't.询问他人是否有 某玩具并回答;运用句型What are these/those They are.询问他人 某物是什么并回答;并运用They are..It's描述某物。 Part A 听力训练 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(听两遍) )1.A.kite B.ball ( )2.A.car B.plane )3.A.pears B.oranges ( )4.A.pen B.book )5.A.rabbit B.tiger 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(听两遍) oo 三、听录音,选出你所听到的短语。(听两遍) )1.A.my toys B.my pens 44 Unit 6 Look at My Toys! )2.A.look at B.show me it )3.A.have a bike B.have a car )4.A.my kite B.my balls ( )5.A.nice planes B.nice ships 四、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的内容是否相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表 示。(听两遍) 1.( 2.( 3.( 4.( 5.( 五、听录音,选出与你所听到内容相对应的中文意思。(听两遍) )1.A.你有玩具吗? B.你有什么玩具? ( )2.A.这是我的飞机。 B.给我看看你的飞机。 ( )3.A.看我的风筝。 B.看我的小汽车。 )4.A.你真好! B.真漂亮! )5.A.你有什么? B.你有玩具吗? 六、听录音,选择合适的选项,补全对话。(听两遍) A.It's a car. B.I have a toy. C.How nice! D.They are nice,too. E.I have planes. F.I have a kite. Kevin;Hi,Lisa.1. Look!2. Lisa:Wow!3. Look at my toys,Kevin.4. Kevin:5. Lisa:Thank you.Let's play()together. 45听力材料 Unit 6 Look at My Toys! Tony:I have a new car.And what do you have Part A Helen:I have some balls. -1.kite 2.plane 3.pears 4.book 5.rabbit Tony:Do you have a kite 二、l.ship2.car3.ball4.plane5.toys Helen:Yes,I do.I have two kites. 三、l.my toys2.look at3.have a car4.my balls Tony:They are nice. 5.nice planes Helen:Let's play together! 四、l.Look!It's a nice bike. 口语交际 2.Sam!Look at my toys. 略 3.Look at my ships.They are nice. Unit6单元自主检测 4.I have a toy.It's a kite. -.1.toy 2.bike 3.car 4.these 5.that 5.I have a plane. 二、l.ball2.car3.bike4.ship5.kite 五、l.Do you have toys 三、l.I have planes.. 2.Show me your plane. 2.Look at my toys. 3.Look at my kite. 3.How nice! 4.How nice! 4.They are bikes. 5.What do you have 5.What are those 六、Kevin:Hi,Lisa.I have a toy.Look!It's a car. 四、l.What's that Lisa:Wow!How nice!Look at my toys,Kevin.I have 2.What are those planes. 3.Is this a car Kevin:They are nice,too. 4.What do you have Lisa:Thank you.Let's play. 5.Do you have balls Part B 五、l.Tom:Is this a plane -1.this 2.kites 3.bike 4.some 5.plane Amy:Yes,it is. 1.some planes 2.a ball 3.some cars 4.an eraser 2.Helen:Do you have toys 5.a kite Sam:Yes,I do. 三、l.Do you have toys 3.Alice:What do you have 2.Yes,I do. Mike:I have some balls. 3.What are these 4.Tony:What are these 4.They are planes. Betty:They are pears. 5.And what are those 5.John:What's this 6.They are kites. Sarah:It's a bike. 四、1.Look!It's a bike 六、l,What do you have 2.They are ships. 2.Do you have toys 3.Look at my balls. ... ...

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